冰冻玉米粒 2杯(2 cups frozen corn kernels)
冰冻胡萝卜和豌豆(混合)1/4杯{1/4 cup frozen carrots and peas (mixed) }
虾仁100克(100 g shrimp )
松子50克(50 g pine nuts)
白胡椒粉White pepper
松子虾仁炒玉米是一道 健康又好吃 同时又很简单的菜。通常你会在餐馆里看到类似的菜,这里我给大家介绍一下怎样在家里来做它。
2、接下来准备2杯冰冻玉米粒和1/4杯冰冻胡萝卜和豌豆 。不需要化冻。
3、另外准备50克松子,用少量的油把它炒香 炒到外表有一点点的淡棕色就行 一边备用。
4、准备炒锅 用大火烧热,同时放入适量的油,先把冰冻胡萝卜和豌豆炒半分钟,把水份炒干 再放入冰冻玉米粒翻炒,只要加一些盐调味(这道菜不需要其他调味料,多了反而味道就不对了)
记得一定要用大火 ,这样才容易把水份炒干,
5、当所有材料炒到完全热透 时,均匀地撒入之前处理好的虾仁,开始的时候不要急着翻炒,让锅里的热量把虾仁上的生粉凝固,之后再翻炒,这样各种食材的味道就有层次。
6、虾仁炒熟后 倒入炒过的松子拌匀即可出锅。非常的美味。这些材料都很容易买到,你赶紧试试吧
Today we will be making a healthy delicious but incredibly simple dish that is often a classic in Chinese restaurants. Let's get started
First we will set aside 100 grams of deshelled shrimps. dice into small chunks and marinate with some salt and white pepper. Then coat with a light layer of corn starch. Careful to not over do it to ensure the best texture
Set aside 2 cups of frozen corn kernels, 1/4 cups of frozen carrot pieces and frozen peas. no need to defrost
Prepare 50 grams of pine nuts. roast in a pan with a little bit of oil until they are fragrant and slightly brown. set aside
Prepare the pan. heat a pan until hot on high heat and add in some oil and add in the frozen carrots and peas. sauté for half a minute to allow the moistures to evaporate then add in the corn kernels and season with a little bit of salt. The beauty of this dish is that you don't need a lot of seasoning, too much seasoning would actually overwhelmed the dish. You want to let the original flavors to shine through.
Keep stiring on high heat to allow all the moistures to evaporate
Once all the ingredients are fully cooked, add in the shrimp pieces and let it sit for a couple moments before you start stirring. Because you want the heat from the pan to allow the corn starch to cook and cling onto the shrimp before you start stirring. This will allow this dish to have several layers of flavor
Once the shrimps are fully cooked through, add in the pine nuts and once combined it's ready. These ingredients are easy to buy and this recipe easy to follow. give it a try
Garden Time homemade cuisine