鸡肝 6付约300克(Chicken liver 300 g)
葱 15克(Green onion 15 g)
姜 10克(Ginger 10 g)
洋葱100克(Onion 100 g)
辣椒 10克(Hot pepper 10 g)
甜椒 50克(Sweet pepper 50 g)
青瓜 100克(Cucumber 100 g)
菜油2汤匙(Vegetable oil 2tbsp)
料酒 3汤匙(Cooking wine 3 tbsp)
酱油2汤匙(Soy sauce 2 tbsp)
香醋 1汤匙(Balsamic vinegar 1 tbsp)
盐1/4茶匙(Salt 1/4 tsp)
糖 1茶匙(Sugar 1 tsp)
白胡椒粉1/2茶匙(White pepper powder 1/2 tsp)
把鸡肝切成条像视频里一样。清洗一遍 然后用清水浸泡 至少30分钟 中间换几次水,然后沥干备用。
准备一个大的汤锅 倒入约1000毫升的水,烧到80-90摄氏度左右 (看到锅底布满了气泡就差不多了) 倒入鸡肝,马上关火,让鸡肝在锅里泡 15-20秒 不可以放久。然后过滤出鸡肝 一边备用。
炒锅烧热,放2汤匙菜油,先把 姜、洋葱、辣椒炒香,放入其他蔬菜,保持高火快速翻炒,不要超过1分钟 就出锅一边备用 保持蔬菜的翠绿。
还是原来的热锅 放少量的油 放入鸡肝 快速翻炒几下,就把调味料倒入,马上炒匀 并立刻倒入炒过的蔬菜,保持高火翻炒均匀 即可出锅。如果锅里有很多汤汁 可以用少量的淀粉水勾芡一下。
After moving to Windsor, my parents love to take strolls along the lake, especially during the early mornings. Today they were able to catch the sun rise. To go along with the gorgeous view, today my mom will be sharing one of my favourite dish, chicken liver stir-fry.
First prepare 300 grams of chicken liver
cut them up as shown and wash clean. soak in clear water for at least 30 minutes, changing the water a few times in between. drain and set aside
Prepare a large pot with around 1000ml of water & boil until 80-90°C
. You should be able to see little bubbles at the bottom of the pot. add in the chicken liver. turn off the heat immediately and let the chicken liver sit in the hot water for 15-20 seconds and no longer. drain and set aside.
Prepare the vegetables on the screen by cutting them up into pieces about the same size as the chicken liver
Remember to prepare the seasonings ahead of time, so that you don't overcook the liver when you're busy searching for them
Heat a pan until it's hot and add in 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. sauté the ginger, onion & pepper until fragrant and then add in the other vegetable season with salt. Quickly stir-fry on high heat, for no longer than 1 minute and set them aside. This will keep the veggies green.
Now add a bit more oil to the same pan and add in the chicken liver, immediately stir them around and add in the seasoning. Once they're combined, add in the veggies from earlier & toss everything around on high heat and it's ready. If there's too much liquid in the pan, add in a little bit of starch water to thicken it up.
This dish is very delicious if you get the temperature right, the key is to be quick & to not overcook the liver.