糯米粉 200克(Glutinous rice flour 200 g)
粘米粉 100克( Rice flour 100 g)
去皮花生 150克 (Skinless peanuts 150 g)
水 350毫升 (Water 350 ml)
红枣 10颗 (10 Chinese red dates)
棕糖或红糖 170克 (Brown sugar 170 g)
核桃 80-100克 (Walnut 80-100 g)
桂圆干 20-30克 (Dried longan 20-30 g)
菜油 2汤匙 (Vegetable oil 2 tablespoons)
芭蕉叶(Banana leaves)
1、首先把去皮花生清洗干净以后沥干 ,把红枣去核 。再把花生和红枣放到果汁机里 加入350毫升的水 打成浆,一边备用。
2、准备一个小汤锅 烧热后放入2汤匙油 再把棕糖放入 煮到融化 并且看到糖的颜色稍微变深 可以闻到一些糖焦味时 把之前打好的花生浆倒入,用中小火 搅拌 直到锅里的糖完全融化。关火一边备用。
3、准备屏幕显示的糯米粉和粘米粉放在一个大碗里 ,喜欢软的口感的 可以增加糯米粉比例。另外再把核桃切碎 把龙眼干 泡软后切碎 之后都混合到粉里面去,拌匀。
4、拌匀之后 就可以把之前煮好的糖浆倒入 搅拌均匀。这时会比较烫和粘手 建议带个手套来揉匀。
6、把揉好的糯米团 放入蒸笼 再用勺子压实 压的时候可以在勺子底部抹些油 就不粘了。然后按照传统 在中间放一个红色的枣点缀一下 表示吉祥。
7、蒸锅水烧开 像视频显示的一样放入蒸笼 中偏高火蒸20-25分钟。可以用竹签测试 取出来时很干净就说明熟了。这个年糕也可以装入刷过油的烤盘放入烤箱烤(350华氏度 大约40分钟)
8、年糕蒸好后要完全放凉再来切片,可以直接吃 也可以切片煎过吃。
Welcome to Garden Time Homemade Cuisine, it's almost Chinese new year, so today we will be making a holiday must have, the chinese new year rice cake.
First wash clean some peeled peanuts and drain clean, de-pit the red dates and pulse them together in a blender, add in 350ml of water and blend until it is smooth and thick in consistency, set aside
Heat a small pot until it's hot then add in 2 tablespoons of oil, add in the brown sugar and let it melt. once the color has darkened, the sugar will smell like caramel, add in the peanut, date Mixture from earlier and stir in medium low heat until all the sugar has dissolved. turn off the heat and set aside
Prepare the 2 types of rice flour shown on the screen in a bowl. if you like your rice cake really chewy and soft, feel free to increase the ratio for the glutinous rice flour. chop up some walnuts and soaked longan, and mix in the flour.
Once everything is well mixed, pour in the liquid parts and mix. careful during this step because it will be very hot and sticky. I recommend wearing disposable gloves when you mix it
Prepare the bamboo steamer, I'm using one with an 18cm diameter, line it with some banana leafs or bamboo leafs, which you can easily find in asian grocery stores
Once the dough has been kneaded place it in the steamer and press firmly with the back of a spoon until everything is well fitted. coat the spoon with a tiny bit of oil to prevent sticking. In Chinese tradition, we like to place a red date in the middle to represent good luck
Once the pot has come to a boil, place the steamer in as shown and let it steam on medium high heat for 20-25 minutes, test with a bamboo skewer, once it comes out clean its' ready. you can also bake this in an oiled pan at 350degrees Fahrenheit for 40 minutes
Let it cool completely before slicing, you can enjoy these directly or pan fry them!
Have a happy new year everyone!