一、材料(两人份):三文鱼鱼扒 两块(约180克/块)、切碎的百里香叶子 1茶匙 、黄油 30克、浓奶油 100ML、白葡萄酒 100 ML、柠檬半个、盐和黑胡椒。
season the salmon with salt, pepper and thyme. Melt half the butter in a frying pan large enough to hold two pieces of salmon side by side .When the butter is fry the salmon for 2-3 minutes on each side , until they are golden on the outside and just cooked though。
2、倒入60 ML白葡萄酒,酒汁收干时,小心地把鱼扒移到盘子上,并尽量保持热度。
Pour in 60ML of the white win . When white wine dries up,carefully transfer the salmon to a plate and keep it hot.
pour the cream into the pan bring to the boil , stirring constantly and scraping up the cooking juices from the base of the pan . Allow to bubble until reduced and slightly thickened.Then add the last of white wine
Place the salmon pieces on individual warmed plates, pour the sauce over and garnish with herb