糯米1杯约215克(Glutinous rice 1
猪油1汤匙(Lard 1 tablespoon)
红枣碎 1/2杯(Chopped dates 1/2 cup)
熟芝麻 1汤匙(Roasted sesame seeds 1 tablespoon)
烤熟花生碎 2汤匙(Chopped roasted peanuts 2 tablespoons)
桂圆干 (切碎)8-10个{8-10 dried longan(chopped) }
红糖 3-4汤匙(Brown sugar 3-4 tablespoons)
1糯米 1杯 浸泡2-3个小时 清洗干净沥干.
We need
1 cups of glutinous rice and soak it for 2-3 hours and wash clean then drain
2、不粘锅烧热 加入猪油 放入泡好的糯米翻炒 炒至米粒变干 加入1/2杯水。继续翻炒
Heat a non stick pan and add in 1 tablespoon Lard , add in
the glutinous rice from earlier. stir fry on medium
until the rice becomes slightly dry, add in 1/2 cup
water . Keep
stirring until the rice becomes dry again . add
in another half a cup of water . Once the rice turning translucent, turn off the heat and mix in all the ingredients shown on the screen
3、准备肠衣 浸泡 把盐分清洗干净 。 用矿泉水瓶顶部 做漏斗 把糯米装入肠衣。
prepare the sausage casing, wash clean and soak in the water to remove the salt content
use the lower part of a plastic water bottle and it will serve as a sausage filling mechanism
cover the opening of the bottle with one end of the sausage casing, firmly hold it in place and start adding in the filling. it's crucial to evenly fill the sausage casing and
not over stuff it. leaving 3 cm of casing on both
。取一个有深度的盘子 在底部放一些水 摆入灌好的糯米肠。中火蒸40-50分钟。可以直接吃或者
切片 稍微煎到表面微酥,不可煎太久 糯米肠会散掉。用煎锅留下的油
加入一些红糖和少量的水煮至浓稠 浇到煎好的糯米肠上即可 撒一些芝麻。。
use a toothpick and poke some holes in each sausage 。Prepare a plate that has a well in the centre and add in some water
。then lay the rice sausage on top。 Steam on medium for 40-50 minutes。 it's ready to eat or You can slice it up and Pan fry until it's slightly crispy.
Careful not to leave. It in the pan for too long or it will fall apart. Use the remaining oil and add in brown sugar, dilute it with a bit of water. Heat until the syrup thickens. Pour over the
pan fried sticky rice sausage and sprinkle on some sesame seeds