中筋面粉 1杯(240ml 约150g){All purpose flour 1 cup (240ml)}
盐1/4茶匙 (Salt 1/4 teaspoon)
水 300-320ml (Water 300-320ml)
配料部分(Side ingredients):
鸡蛋2个(2 eggs)
芝麻酱部分(Sesame Sauce)
芝麻酱 约1汤匙(Tahina 1 tablespoon)
芥末 约1.5寸-2寸( Wasabi)
纯净水 适量 (Clean water )
红油部分( Hot chili oil)
干辣椒碎片 1茶匙(Dried chili flake 1 teaspoon)
辣椒粉 1.5茶匙(Chili powder 1.5 teaspoons)
蒜末 1茶匙(Minced garlic 1 teaspoon)
菜油 1/4杯(Vegetable oil 1/4 cup)
调味酱汁部分(Final seasoning sauce)
盐 1/4茶匙(Salt 1/4 teaspoon)
香醋 1茶匙(Balsamic vinegar 1 teaspoon)
酱油 1茶匙(Soy sauce 1 teaspoon)
花椒油或麻油 1/4茶匙(Pepper oil or sesame oil 1/4 teaspoon)
纯净水 4汤匙 (Clean water 1/4 cup)
1、一杯中筋面粉 加一点盐 用300-320毫升的水 慢慢倒入 搅成 面浆糊。静置一个小时以上。然后过滤一下,让面糊浆更细腻。
2、准备 不粘烤盘 最好有2个 做起来会快一些。 倒入 1/4杯 或更多一点的面糊 摇匀。
3、平放在烧开水的汤锅上 或任何蒸锅 ,蒸约1分钟 至面皮熟透。然后取出烤盘放入冷水里,降温冷却 。这步骤很重要 会让面皮很有弹性,表面不粘手。
4、做好的面皮 叠在一起 记得每一块之间要刷一层油,以防粘粘,也会让面皮吃起来清爽不黏糊。
5、像视频展示的一样 切条 、分开 放入碗里备用,我这里大约有2个人的份量。
第一是 香菜,切碎。
第二样 这里我妈妈推荐小红萝卜 来代替青瓜 口感更脆 用白醋消毒 清洗干净切丝。
第三是鸡蛋丝,把2个鸡蛋加一点点盐打散,不粘锅上刷少量的油,打开火烧热后 把蛋液倒入摊薄,两面成型 放凉后即可切丝。
7、准备芝麻酱 -- 芝麻酱 加一点 日本芥末 用纯净水 调成 很稀的糊状 水要慢慢的边搅拌边加 水量根据芝麻酱的浓稠而定。
8、现在准备 辣椒油 --- 把屏幕上(辣椒碎片 、辣椒粉 、蒜末)的材料放在一个小碗里。 准备1/4杯的菜油 一半倒入小碗里拌匀 另一半加热至冒烟 再倒入碗里混合 辣油就做好了。
9、准备调味酱汁 把屏幕显示的材料 调匀即可。
最后就是“组装” 像屏幕显示的一样把所有配料和调味料 放入面皮碗里 一拌 就可以享受美味啦。
Today we will be making a special dish from Western China, a very popular noodle dish. My mom added her own twist and used the most common ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen.
Prepare a cup of all-purpose flour, add a bit of salt, and add in 300-320 ml of water. slowly pour it in while stirring. Let the flour mixture sit for 1 hour then sifted it through once so that the mixture is silky & smooth.
prepare a non-stick tray, preferably 2 to speed up the process. pour in 1/4 cup of the flour mixture and make sure it's evenly spread out.
Lay the tray in a pot of boiling water, or any steamer. steam for 1 minute until the noodles are completely cooked. place the baking tray in some cold water to lower the temperature. This step is crucial, it's what will give the noodle its bouncy texture.
Once the noodles are ready, stack them together, but make sure you brush on a layer of oil between each layer to prevent sticking. this will make sure the noodles from refreshing & not mushy
Cut them into thin slices as shown, separate them and place them in a bowl, we have enough for 2 people here
Make the side ingredients
First, dice up some cilantro
Then, wash clean some red carrots with white vinegar then with some water, slice up into thin strips. this is a super refreshing substitute for cucumbers
Finally, we will prepare some thin egg omelette strip. beat 2 eggs and season with a bit of salt. brush a non-stick pan with some oil and turn the heat on high, then pour in the eggs and let it coat the pan thinly. flip it over and cook until both sides are golden. let it cool a bit before slicing into thin strips
Prepare the sesame sauce, combine tahini with some japanese wasabi, and some distilled water. mix until you have a very thin mixture. add the water in a bit at the time until you achieve the right consistency
Prepare the chilli oil. combine the ingredient on screen, pepper flakes, pepper powder and minced garlic in a bowl, add in 1/8 cup of vegetable oil, heat another 1/8 hot in a pan until it's smoking and add that in the bowl as well.
To make the final sauce, just combine all the ingredients shown on the screen.
Your guest can now assemble everything themselves & give it a gentle toss and this delicious cold noodle dish is complete!