中筋面粉 180克(180 g all purpose flour)
白糖1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp sugar)
盐1/4茶匙(1/4 tsp salt)
干酵母粉 1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp dry yeast powder)
水200毫升(Water 200 ml)
鸡蛋2个(2 eggs)
今天我要给大家分享我自己私房的菜谱,发面卷饼,它既有松软的口感又有酥脆的外皮,且制作起来特别简单 。
2、大约30-40分钟后,当面糊的体积比原来大一倍 就说明发酵好了,然后再用筷子朝一个方向搅动,直到面糊变得很均匀且柔滑。
3、同时我们把培根煎到酥脆 一边备用。
6、当面糊的表面开始凝固的时候,在上面再刷上薄薄的一层油,然后等待煎饼的底部开始微微焦脆时 翻一面煎,然后在面皮上面抹上鸡蛋液,这个蛋液我事先用盐调味过。
7、这时如果你喜欢也可以加一些是拉差辣椒酱 或其他你喜欢的酱汁。等蛋液表面开始凝固,而且另一面煎饼底部开始微脆时 再翻面 把蛋液的一面煎熟即可出锅。
8、出锅后我们在煎饼里加入生菜和煎好的培根或者酱牛肉片 火腿片等等 卷起来就可以吃了,它可以当早餐也可以当午餐。
today I will be sharing a new recipe I recently created, a delicious breakfast roll up wrap with no kneading involved. It's crispy on the outside but spongy in texture. and the best part, it's super simple to make.
Mix together the ingredients to make a thin floury mixture. just mix with a chopstick and cover with a lid and let it sit to rise
After 30 - 40 minutes the mixture will rise to twice its original size . mix with chopsticks again in one direction until the mixture is smooth and evenly mixed
Panfry some bacon until they are crispy and set that aside
To make the wrap itself, use a nonstick large pan and brush on a thin layer of oil, heat the pan until it is just slightly warm
Pour in half of the flour mixture and evenly spread it out as shown
Once the flour mixture starts to solidify, brush on a light layer of oil and wait a couple more seconds for the bottom of the wrap to crisp up, then flip it over to panfry the other side.
Brush on a thin layer of a beaten egg mixture seasoned with a bit of salt
this is the stage where you can get creative, feel free to brush on some siraccha or any sauce of your choice. once the egg mixture has set, flip it over again. when both sides of the wrap is nice and crispy, take it out of the pan and start wrapping
Wrap in the prepared lettuce and bacon slices, which you can also sub out with other meat options like ham. this makes an fast and delicious breakfast and lunch!