

中筋面粉2杯约300克(2 cups all purpose flour, about 300 g)

干酵母1/2茶匙(Dry yeast 1/2 teaspoon)

温水220毫升(Warm water 220 ml)

白糖 1/2茶匙(Sugar 1/2 teaspoon)

白糖1汤匙(Sugar 1 tbsp )

鱼松或肉松1杯(Fish floss 1cup)

葱花1/2杯(chopped green onions 1/2cup)

盐1/2茶匙(Salt 1/2 tsp)

菜油1汤匙(Vegetable oil 1 tbsp)

懒龙 是中国北方的一道家庭快捷手工面食,其实它就像是卷起来的包子,但做起来比包子快很多。一般情况下馅料是用猪肉的,但我今天突发奇想 用鱼松或者肉松来做馅料。没想到却有很大的惊喜。lazy dragon, is an unique northern Chinese dish. Where it got it's name from is its puffy wrapped form. It's basically a rolled up BAOZI but much easier to make. Usually you'd make the filling with beef meat, but I decided to get experimental and try it with meat floss or fish floss and it was a delightful surprise! Super delicious and easy to make!


  1. 我们先来做酵母水,先把1/2茶匙干酵母 与220毫升的35-40摄氏度温水 混合。First we will make the yeast water, mix 1/2 teaspoon dry yeast with 220 ml of warm water at 35-40 degrees celsius。

  2. 然后再往里面加1/2茶匙白糖 来加快激活酵母。. Now we will add 1/2 teaspoon of sugar to help activate the yeast.

  3.  搅匀后 静置 20-30分钟,直到你看到 有浮沫出现 或水里开始有小气泡不停冒出,说明酵母被激活了。如果你用的是高效酵母粉 出现浮沫的时间会短很多 大约只要5分钟。Mix well and let it sit for 20-30 minutes, until foams form on the surface Or when you see small bubbles bubbling in the water. If you are using instant yeast , it would only take around 5 minutes

  4. 量出2杯的中筋面粉 放在一个大碗里,加入1汤匙白糖(自选)然后倒入酵母水,再逐渐加水直到面粉全部揉成团.相反 如果面团太软 可以适当加些粉。 Measure 2 cups of all purpose flour into a large bowl, add 1 tablespoon of sugar (optional) and pour the yeast water in and mix with your hands until a nice dough shape is formed. if there is flour left in the bowl, gradually add water in until all the flour has been incorporated. if you find your dough is too soft add in more flour

  5. 揉成团后 加盖让它发酵,最好能把装面团的碗放入一个更大一点的容器内,这样会有保温效果 面团会发的更快一些,大约需要30-40分钟。once you've kneaded the dough, cover with a lid and let it rise. I recommend using a container that is slightly larger to better retain the warmth which will allow the dough to rise faster. it should take you around 30-40 minutes

  6. 现在我们来准备鱼松,它很容易做,我这里用的是吞拿鱼罐头,具体的做法你可以看我的另一个视频,链接在屏幕右上角Now we will prepare the  fish floss ,it is easy to make, I am using canned tuna here, you can find a detailed recipe for this in my other video, which I will link on the upper right corner of the screen

  7. 接下来,我们把1/2杯葱花与 1/2茶匙盐以及1汤匙菜油混合 一边备用。Next, we will prepare 1/2 cup of chopped green onions and mix with 1/2 teaspoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Side aside.

  8. 现在回到面团这里。30-40分钟后,面团的体积必须是原来的2倍以上,如果没有达到则要继续静置发酵。Now we will go back to the dough  After30- 40 minutes the dough should double in size. if not, you will have to let it sit for a bit longer

  9. 在板上撒一些面粉,因为发酵后的面团会比较粘手,现在把面团放在板上再一次揉它,揉的过程中如果会粘手 不时地撒一些粉在你的手上,一直把面团揉到光滑 面团中没有气泡。The dough will be a little bit sticky so make sure you flour your board well before you start kneading. , if the dough sticky to the touch,  keep dusting your hand with loose flour until there's no more air bubbles in the dough and the surface of the dough is completely smooth..

  10.   把面团擀开,成大约24×30厘米的长方形,尽量擀的厚薄均匀 最后出来的面皮层次才会均匀。过程中记得撒粉 不要让面皮粘到板上。roll the dough into a 24-30cm rectangle, make sure you kneed it evenly so the finished pastry will hold its layers nicely. Sprinkle loose flour in between the process so the dough doesn't stick to the board.

  11. 均匀的撒在面皮上,再把鱼松 (大约1杯) 撒在面上。sprinkle on a  layer of the chopped green onions that we prepared before and then a layer of  the fish floss( about 1cup )

  12. 把面皮卷起来 像视频显示的一样 then roll it up as shown

  13. 把2头开口的部分折起封紧 避免馅料掉出来 也避免蒸汽进去cinch both ends tightly to prevent the filling from leaking out and to prevent the steam from going in

  14. 竹蒸笼上铺上蒸笼纸,可以用烘培纸,但必须戳一些洞 透气。把折好的面团放入 这里你也可以用不锈钢蒸锅place some steamer paper into a bamboo steamer or you can use parchment paper as well. but be sure to poke a few holes to allow air circulation  。also you can use the stainless steel steamer.

  15. 把面卷放入 加盖 静置让它饧15分钟place the rolled dough in and then cover, and let it rise  for about 15 minutes

  16. 现在上锅蒸,冷水入锅 用中偏高火蒸,水烧开后蒸15分钟 中间不要开盖,直到关火后5分钟Now it's ready for steaming. add the steamer onto of the pot of cold water, steam on medium high heat, once it comes to a boil, wait 15 minutes. remember to not open the lid during the steaming process. and give it at least 5 minutes after the heat has been turned off before you open the lid.


