面团材料Dough ingredients:
中筋面粉2杯约300克{All purpose flour 2 cups (about 300 g)}
水 1杯约240毫升(Water 1 cup about 240 ml)
盐 1/2茶匙(Salt 1/2 teaspoon)
酱汁材料Sauce Ingredients:
酱油1汤匙(Soy sauce 1 tablespoon)
香醋1汤匙(Balsamic vinegar 1 tablespoon)
盐1/3茶匙(Salt 1/3 teaspoon)
鸡汤或高汤 2-3汤匙(Chicken broth2-3 tablespoons)
其他配料Other Ingredients:
干辣椒片Dried chilli flakes
韩国辣椒粉South Korea chili powder
蒜末Minced garlic
完美的专业制作拉面是需要技术和一定的训练的,我今天给大家分享一个 没有面食基础的人也能做的拉面 而且口感非常棒。
1、我们需要2杯的中筋面粉(All purpose flour)大约300克 这里准备了2个人的分量。
2、准备1杯水(240毫升) 在水里加1/2茶匙盐,搅匀,然后把水慢慢倒入面粉中,边倒边搅拌,像视频里的一样 想把面团揉好。面团的硬度 我们可以用测试牛排成熟的的方法来比较---大约是拇指和中指合在一起时 拇指根部肌肉硬度。甚至还可以再硬一些。
3、把面团用大碗覆盖住 在板上静置10分钟 让它松弛一下。
4、然后再揉 一定要把面团揉到光滑紧实。当面团像视频显示的那样光滑时 再用碗盖住 静置15-20分钟。
5、之后 在板上多撒一些面粉 把面团放在粉上 擀开 (面团不需要再揉了)擀成长方形,如果过程中你觉得面团比较紧 不好擀开 可以放置一会让其松弛一下就会好的。
6、面皮擀好以后的厚度大约是0.5厘米 宽度大约比你要用来切面条的刀 略长一点点(像视频所示)。面皮完成以后要记得在底面再撒一些粉,然后用纱布或保鲜膜覆盖静置15-20分钟。
7、下面准备酱汁 把屏幕显示的材料混合在一个小碗里备用。
8、接着准备辣子(辣椒碎片Dried chilli flakes) 你可以买现成的 也可以像我一样 把干辣椒烤酥 然后用石臼磨成碎片。
9、另外还要准备韩国辣椒粉,你可以用Paprika ,香菜、和蒜末。
10、现在回到松弛好面皮这里来, 用刀 像屏幕显示的在面皮上切条,边的部分不要切断 每根都卷成螺旋状 然后 5-6根一组,再卷成螺旋状 并均匀的拉开 最后把头尾相连的部分去掉 面条就做成了 ,记得多撒粉。
11、锅里放足够的水量 烧开 把面条放下去煮 可以分2次煮,水重新烧开后 再煮2-3分钟即可。在煮好的面条是放入 之前准备的酱汁,在面条上面放适量的辣椒碎片Dried chilli flakes、韩国辣椒粉、蒜末 再把香菜放在边上,然后把烧热的油慢慢浇在辣椒粉和蒜末上,一拌即成。
Chinese ramen, a style of hand pulled noodles known for it's chewy texture and flavourful sauce. Restaurant quality pulled noodles require a professional level of training and techniques, but today I will show you guys a home kitchen version that you can make even if you have no experience at all!
First we will use 2 cups of all purpose flour, about 300 grams, this should be enough for 2 people
prepare 1 cup of water about 240ml, add in 1/2 teaspoon of salt, mix well and slowly pour it into the flour. stir while pouring and knead until it's in a dough form. There's a trick to testing if it's at the right softness. pinch your thumb and middle finger together like you would when testing a piece of steak, and the toughness of the base of your thumb should be how hard your dough is. cover the dough with a large bowl and let it rest for 10 minutes
Knead it once again until it's smooth and tight as shown in the video, cover with a lid again for another 15-20 minutes
Flour the board and roll the dough into a long rectangle, if your dough is too hard to roll, you can wait a couple more minutes for it to loosen up
Roll it out until it's about 0.5 centimetre in thickness, the vertical height should be just slightly longer than the length of your blade. Don't forget to flour the board to prevent it from sticking and cover the rectangle with a cloth for 15-20 minutes
Make the sauce by combining the ingredient as shown in a bowl
Prepare the topping, roast the dried chilli flakes until crispy and ground into tiny pieces
set aside from korean chilli powder, paprika, cilantro and minced garlic
The flour is now ready to work with. Cut slits along the length of the rectangle leaving just a tiny space on each end, in a gentle rolling motion , let each strand twist without breaking it off entirely. We will stretch the noodles in batches of 5-6 strands. twist them as shown and evenly pull them apart, cut off the connecting pieces on each end and t's ready. remember to sprinkle flour on generously. Repeat the process until all the dough has been pulled into noodle strands.
Place enough water in a pot and let it come to a boil, then place the noodle in, cook in 2 separate batches. once the water has come to boil again, let it cook for 2-3 minutes then it's ready! drain the noodles and pour on the sauce made earlier, add on the toppings made from earlier and slowly pour on some hot oil. Stir to combine and its ready!