中筋面粉 1 1/4 杯(All purpose flour 1 1/4 cup)
70℃左右热水 120毫升 (About 70℃ hot water 1/2 cup)
1、把面粉和水混合揉成面团,面团要软硬刚好 不粘手 ,可用适量的粉和水调整。静置30分钟。
mix flour and water together into a dough, it shouldn't be too soft or too hard and should also not stick to your hands. Adjust with extra water or flour. let it sit for 30 minutes
2、面团分成16份 每份大约20克。每个小面团都擀成饺子皮大小圆片,直径大约13厘米 尽量擀圆 厚薄均匀。
divide the dough into 16 pieces, each piece should be about 20grams. roll each dough ball out into a dumpling skin size, about 13cm in diameter. try to keep them as round and even as possible
3、把圆面片叠起 每片中间要刷上足够的油 8片为一叠(一摞) 。
stack 8 pieces top of each other, brushing oil in between each one
4、先用手从一整叠的面片中心往外 轻压 上下两面要轮番的压 这样每一片面皮才会整齐。再用擀面杖 均匀的擀薄 直径大约 22-23厘米。
press the stack gently down with your hand, from the centre out. alternating from the bottom side and the top side this will keep the spring roll paper evenly pressed. now roll it out with a rolling pin until it's about 22-23 cm in diameter
5、擀好后如果希望外延整齐 可用锅盖压出一个完整的圆形。放入蒸笼 记得垫上蒸笼纸或烘焙纸。如果用不锈钢蒸锅 可直接在锅里刷油 再放入面片以防粘粘。
6、if you want to get the perfect circular shape, then you can use a round pot lid to press out each sheet.(if you're using an aluminum steamer, you can simply brush some oil at the bottom) line a steamer with parchment paper and place the spring roll paper in.
7、滚水入锅 蒸8分钟左右 直到熟透。春卷皮就做好了 取出 小心找到每片春卷皮的边沿,轻轻撕开 非常的薄 有韧性。
place the steamer in a pot of boiling water and steam for 8 minutes until it's fully cooked through. gently peel away each sheet from the edge. these spring roll paper are chewy and paper thin