中筋面粉2杯约360g(2 cups All purpose flour)
糖1/4杯约50 g ( 1/4 cup sugar)
黄油50 g (Butter 50g)
干酵母1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp dry yeast)
鸡蛋2个(2 eggs)
水1/2杯约125 ml(1/2 cup water)
小苏打1/3茶匙(1/3 tsp baking soda)
黄油20 g (Butter 20g)
糖2汤匙 ( Sugar 2tbsp)
中筋面粉2汤匙( All purpose flour 2 tbsp)
今天我来做一个 广式茶楼里十分常见的 牛脷酥ox tongue pastry,它为什么叫这个名字呢 因为它的形状很像牛舌头。
1、首先我们要把屏幕显示的黄油 糖和水,放在一个碗里,再把碗放到滚水的锅里,隔水搅拌让里面的糖和黄油融化,之后把碗从锅里取出来,放凉,直到液体不烫手的温度,打入一个鸡蛋,搅匀后 再加入1/2茶匙干酵母 搅匀放置5分钟。
2、准备一个大碗,放入2杯面粉,加入1/3茶匙小苏打(baking soda),拌匀后,再倒入刚才的酵母水,搅拌,揉成团。把装有面团的大碗放入不烫手的温水里加盖(记得一定要不烫手),让它发酵至2倍大,这样做发酵时间会短一些,大约需要30分钟,你也可以放在室温里发酵。
3、趁面团发酵的时间,我们来做油面糖心,把屏幕显示的黄油和糖放入碗里 再隔着开水 让它融化,之后拌入2汤匙面粉,搅成油面团。接着马上把油面团放在 烘培纸上,按照屏幕显示的方法,把纸张折成24cm×12cm. 把有面团包在里面,然后 均匀的擀薄 擀平。一边放凉备用。
4、回到已经发酵到2倍大的面团,把它再揉回原来的大小,让它继续在温水里第二次发酵到2倍大 。 之后取出来揉匀,再把面团擀开,如果这时的面团很有弹性不容易擀开,可以放置一会让它松弛一下就可以擀开了。把面团擀成25cm×25cm的方形面皮。
5、在面皮上均匀地刷上蛋液,再把刚才烘培纸里的油面,小心地放在面皮的一半的位置 露出一点点边,然后另一半面皮折叠过来盖在油面上,按照屏幕显示的方法把前面的边缘合上,左右两边不要合。之后用纱布覆盖 让面皮饧发1到1.5个小时。
6、 之后面皮应该是比较松软的。按照屏幕显示的方法切条 大约9-10条。然后把侧面翻过来,牛脷酥的胚子就做好了,接着在胚子的表面撒上面粉 让它 静置5分钟,然后再翻一面同样撒粉静置5分钟,这样是为了让侧面平整外形美观。
7、油锅烧热,放入足够的油,让油温升至160摄氏度,或者你放入一个小面团测试,如果它能马上浮上来,说明油温可以了。这时要记得转到中火。然后放入面胚子,一次不要太多。炸到外皮金黄酥脆。这里要注意,如果面胚的颜色变得太快说明油温高了,如果胚子接口的地方会打开 说明油温偏低,你要及时调整火力。
做出来的成品外皮酥脆 里面松软 非常的好吃。
Today we will be making a classic cantonese dim sum sweet treat, the ox tongue pastry. The name of this treat comes from its unique shape that is shaped like an ox's tongue.
Let's get started
First we will place the butter, sugar and water into a bowl and place the bowl into a pot of boiling water. allow the 3 ingredients to melt and mix and set this bowl aside and let it chill until it is cool. Add in one beaten egg and mix well and add in 1/2 teaspoon of yeast and let it sit for 5 minutes
Place 2 cups of flour into a large bowl and add in 1/3 teaspoon of baking soda, after it's well mixed add in the liquid from earlier and knead into a dough ball. now set this bowl into a larger bowl of warm water and cover to allow it to rise. make sure the water is not too hot to touch. This method will speed up the ripening process. After the dough will double in size, it will take about 30 minutes. you can let it rise normally too but it will take longer
While the dough is rising we will make the filling. place the butter and sugar into a bowl and let it melt by placing the bowl into pot of boiling water as we did earlier. After it's all melted mix in 2 tablespoon of flour to make an oil dough. place the oil dough onto parchment paper and follow the instruction shown on the screen and follow the parchment paper into 24cm by 12 cm, flatten the oil dough encased and let it set to cool
Now we will start working on the dough again, knead it back to its original size and let it rise again in the luke water double bowl until it doubles in size again. After that knead it into a flat 25 by 25 square. if the dough is too elastic too roll out, let it sit for al little bit and it should be easy to manipulate
Now brush on a layer of beaten egg and place the oil dough from earlier on one half of the dough, leave a small space at the border. fold the other side over and close the front edge as shown. leave the other two sides open and cover with a cheese cloth and rise for 1 to 1.5 hours
After its done rising it should be super soft to touch. slice into 9-10 strips as shown and flip them on their sides. sprinkle on some flour and sit for another 5 minutes. then flip it on its other side and sit for another 5 minutes. this will keep the result treat even in shape.
Heat a pot of oil until its hot, about 160degree celcius. make sure you have enough oil for it to float. test with a small ball of dough, if it floats up then the oil is ready. turn it down to medium heat and add in the dough pieces one at a time. make sure you don't crowd the pot . fry until both sides are golden and crispy. if the colour is changing too fast then you need to turn the heat a bit lower. but if the edges begins to split open the heat is too long and you need to turn the heat up.
The finishing product is crispy on the outside and fluffy and airy on the inside. absolutely delicious!