中筋面粉 100克(100 g all purpose flour)
菜油 1汤匙(1 tablespoon vegetable oil)
水60毫升(Water 60 ml)
猪肉糜 120克(120 g of minced pork)
米酒1茶匙(Rice wine 1 teaspoon)
白胡椒粉 1/4茶匙(1/4 teaspoon white pepper)
鲜抽1茶匙(Maggi sauce 1 teaspoon)
盐1/3茶匙(Salt 1/3 teaspoon)
糖1/4茶匙(Sesame oil 1/4 teaspoon)
麻油 1/4茶匙(Sesame oil 1/4 teaspoon)
姜末1汤匙(1 tablespoon chopped ginger)
鸡汤120毫升—200毫升(Chicken broth 120 ml -200 ml)
白菜叶子2片( 2 cabbage leaves)
姜末minced ginger
香醋Balsamic vinegar
酱油soy sauce
红油Red oil
1、准备100克中筋面粉 大约1/2杯(cup)满满的。往里面加1汤匙菜油。
2、把60毫升水 烧至70-80摄氏度(看到锅底有气泡出现即可)。 之后倒入面粉中 快速搅拌 成雪花状,如碗底还有一点干粉 可以再加一点点的水 相反太湿的话可以加粉总之把面粉揉至软硬刚好不粘手的面团。
3、用一块布覆盖 让面团静置30分钟-1个小时。
4、现在准备馅料 把屏幕显示的猪肉和调味料放入碗里,再把切的很细的姜末放入,之后慢慢的加入清鸡汤 边倒边把猪肉朝一个方向搅拌 让猪肉把鸡汤慢慢吸收,我这里大约用了200毫升的鸡汤 直到猪肉不再吸收鸡汤为止 要保持猪肉的粘性即可。
5、现在回到面团这里 我让面团静置了大约1个小时 它变得很有韧性,把面团揉到光滑,分成14份。这刚好是1个大号蒸笼(12英寸)能摆下的量。
6、逐个把包子皮擀开,尽量擀薄 因为馅料比较湿 皮擀的大张些比较好包 我这里的直径大约是11.5厘米。
7、把馅料包入 馅料大约是1汤匙。蒸笼里铺上小张的烘焙纸。防止包子沾底。
8、蒸锅水烧开 放入蒸笼用中偏高火蒸10分钟即可
9、同时准备酱汁 按屏幕显示的材料 或自己喜欢的口味随意调整。
Prepare 100grams of all purpose flour, about a full 1/2 cup. Add in 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil
Heat 60ml of water until it's about 70-80 degrees celsius, until you see little bubbles forming in the bottom of the pot. Quickly pour it into the bowl with the flour until it's paste like. knead the dough until it's no longer sticky to the hand & is a round ball. add additional water & flour if necessary
Cover the dough with a cloth for 30mins to 1 hour
Now prepare the filling by mixing the ground pork with the seasonings shown in a bowl. add in minced ginger & slowly add in the chicken broth, stir while you pour in one direction. This way the meat will absorb all the liquid. my mom used about 200 ml of chicken stock until the meat can no longer hold anymore liquid. You can see that the meat has gained elasticity
Now let's go back to the dough that has rested for 1 hour. knead until it's smooth and divide it into 14 portions. it's the perfect about for a 12 inch steamer
Roll out the dough pieces into a flat circle, the thinner & larger the better, since the filling is very wet & more difficult to wrap. These are about 11.5cm in diameter
wrap in about 1 tablespoon of filling. cover the steamer with little pieces of baking paper, this will prevent the buns from sticking
Boil a pot of water and then place on the steamer, steam the buns on medium high heat for 10 minutes
Now prepare the sauce as shown or use your favourite sauce and this delicious bitesize breakfast dish is ready!