包子材料Buns Ingredients
中筋面粉2杯约360克(2 cups purpose flour about 360 g)
30 ° C左右温水 250毫升(About 30 ° C warm water 250 ml)
干酵母 1/2茶匙(1/2 teaspoon dry yeast)
泡打粉1/2茶匙(1/2 teaspoon baking powder)
白糖1/4茶匙(1/4 teaspoon sugar)
馅料1(Fillings 1)
红枣切碎 35克(35 g chopped dates)
熟黑芝麻 220克(Roasted black sesame seeds 220 g)
白糖90克(90 grams of sugar)
盐1/4茶匙(1/4 teaspoon salt)
猪油1汤匙(1 tablespoon lard)
馅料2(Fillings 2)
红糖80克(80 g brown sugar)
面粉 1汤匙(1 tablespoon flour)
3、揉成团后 加盖让它发酵,最好能把装面团的碗放入一个更大一点的容器内,这样会有保温效果 面团会发的更快一些,大约需要30分钟。
4、面团发至原来的2倍大 或你看到有很明显的蜂窝状就可以了。
5、取出来之前在板上抹一些面粉,开始揉面,揉面这步很关键 一定要揉实把面团里的气泡都赶走,然后再把面团分成8份 一边备用。
6、现在做馅料 :最好用中国的红糖,然后在里面加一点面粉调和一下 以防糖溶化后太稀。
7、回到面团这里,每个面团在包入馅料之前都要重新揉至光滑 然后按照屏幕显示的方法把馅料包入 。
9、现在上锅蒸,我用的是不锈钢蒸锅,要在蒸笼上刷一些油,然后把包子放入,冷水入锅 用中偏高火蒸,水烧开后蒸12-15分钟 中间不要开盖,直到关火后5分钟。
10、这里给大家推荐一个芝麻馅料的做法,先把烤熟的黑芝麻,和白糖混合,用机器打成粉状。 然后加入红枣碎和一点点盐 以及猪油 没有猪油可以用椰子油或黄油代替。拌匀即可。这里是该馅料的具体数量。
First we will mix together the water and dry yeast, let it sit for 5-10 minutes, when bubbles begin to form, the yeast has been activated
Now we will pour this mixture into the flour. I've added a tiny bit of baking powder in the flour. mix until a nice dough shape is formed, you can adjust the softness with adding water or flour when you knead
Once you've kneaded the dough, cover with a lid and let it rise. I recommend using a container that is slightly larger to better retain the warmth which will allow the dough to rise faster. it should take you around 30 minutes
the dough will have doubled in size with honey comb like structure on the inside
Now sprinkle on some flour to some board and roll the dough out. this is a crucial step. make sure you've kneaded out all the air bubbles. now divide the dough up into 8 pieces.
Now we will make the filling. it's best to use chinese brown sugar. mix in a tiny but of flour to prevent the filling from being too thin
Retuning back to the dough balls, before wrapping in the filling, make sure you roll each ball out until it's smooth, then wrap the filling in as shown
let it sit on the board for 20 minutes to rise again, remember to sprinkle some flour at the base to prevent sticking
Now it's ready for steaming. I'm using a stainless steel steamer here, brush on some oil and place the buns on top. add the steamer onto of the pot of cold water, steam on medium high heat, once it comes to a boil, wait 12-15 minutes. remember to not open the lid during the steaming process. and give it at least 5 minutes after the heat has been turned off before you open the lid
Now to show you guys the other filling option, combine the toasted black sesame seeds with the white sugar, beat in a processor until it is a fine powder, add in the red dates and a tiny bit of salt and lard, you can sub out the lard for coconut oil or butter. mix well and it's ready