中筋面粉 180克(180 g All purpose flour)
水 135毫升(Water 135 ml)
油1汤匙(1 tablespoon oil)
五花肉切丁80克(80 g diced pork belly)
葱花 30克(30 g chopped green onion)
五香粉1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp five spice powder)
盐1/3茶匙(1/3 tsp salt)
3、接着再把屏幕显示的馅料材料混合均匀 腌制1个小时。这里的五花肉是去皮的且要切细。
4、现在炒油面,把3汤匙面粉放到炒锅里 炒到微黄后,加入3汤匙或者更多一点的油搅匀。混好的油面应该是比较稀的。
5、现在回到刚才的面团,从碗里取出来,这时会比较粘手 要在在板上撒一些粉 再开始揉它。然后按照屏幕显示的方法把它揉到光滑。尽可能不要加太多的粉 要保持面团的柔软。
8、把每一份擀开 像包子皮,但不一定要很圆。包入之前做好的馅料。之前我们提到面团要尽量的软,这时就非常的好包,封口要捏紧。
9、全部完成之后 把包子擀成长的椭圆形的薄饼,尽量的擀薄 。这时可以在它们的表面刷一点水,再撒一点芝麻,用擀面杖在芝麻上擀一擀,让它不会掉落。
10、把做好的饼子平放到不粘煎锅,不放油,或者也可以用不锈钢煎锅,同样不放油。还可以放到烤箱用320华氏度 烤30-40分钟。
11、开始的十分钟 可以可以加盖煎 用中等偏高一点点的火力,要保证外皮不要太快变色。
12、十分钟后就不需要加盖了,这时翻一面煎,当两面都出现浅的金黄色时,把火转到中等偏小一点。继续煎 不时地翻面 一直到外皮很酥脆,层层起酥 最好要看到中间的肉开始出油时 。总共煎的时间约需要40-50分钟。
Today we will be making savoury crispy pan cakes. let's get started
Mix together the flour, water and oil in one bowl and roll into a dough. the dough should be soft to the touch
Cover with a lid and let it set for 30 minutes
Now we will make the filling. mix together the ingredients shown and let it marinate for 1 hour. it's important to remove the skin of the pork and dice it thinly
Now we will make the oil flour paste. add 3 tablespoons of flour into the pan and stir until they become lightly toasted. add in 3 tablespoons of oil or slightly more is fine too. the oil flour paste should be slightly liquidy
Now we will work on the dough piece again. remove from the bowl and don't worry if it's quite sticky. lightly dust some flour on the board and knead the dough. knead the dough as shown in the video until it is completely smooth. try not to use too much flour to keep the dough soft
Now we will roll the dough out into rectangular piece that is 15 cm times 25 cm
Evenly brush on the oil flour paste, roll up the dough as shown and divide into 6 pieces
Roll out each piece, no need to keep it too round. wrap in the filling we've made earlier. the reason why the dough has to be soft it's so we can wrap the filling in easily. make sure everything is tightly enclosed
Once this step is completed and repeated with every dough piece. gently roll it out into an oval shape. try to keep it as thin as possible.
Now we will brush on a thin layer of water. sprinkle on some sesame seeds and roll once again to help the sesames stick
Place the pan cake pieces on a non-stick pan without adding in any oil. you can also use a stainless steel pan. or another option is to bake these for 30-40 minutes at 320 degrees Fahrenheit
If you're using the pan let it first sit for 10 minutes with the lid on at medium high heat to make sure the outside doesn't burn
After 10 minutes, remove the lid and flip the pancakes onto the other side. once both sides are golden and toasted. turn the heat down to medium low heat. keep flipping until both sides are completely crispy. it should be flakey and if you cut it open you should be able to see layers of the pastry skin and the filling should glisten with oil. the whole panfrying process should take 40 minutes