

猪肉糜 180克(180 g minced pork)

小油菜 100克(100g baby bok choy)

盐 1/3茶匙(1/3 teaspoon salt)

酱油1茶匙(1 teaspoon soy sauce)

麻油1/4茶匙(1/4 teaspoon sesame oil)

白胡椒粉1/2茶匙(1/2 teaspoon white pepper)

中筋面粉 180克(All purpose flour 180 g)

热水150毫升( Hot water 150 ml)


今天我们来做锅贴,这是一种样子有点特殊的饺子,它只能煎着吃,非常的香,做起来不难 ,我这里在馅料里加了小油菜baby bok choy,味道很不一般。


1、首先把中筋面粉 180克(All purpose flour 180 g)放到碗里,加入70-80摄氏度的热水 150毫升左右,搅拌并揉成团。面团的软硬应该刚好,你可以适当调整水和粉的量。然后加盖静置20分钟。

2、这时我们开始做馅料,把屏幕显示的材料拌匀。这里的小油菜baby bok choy 尽量切细一些。

3、现在把静置20分钟之后的面团取出,再一次揉至光滑。搓成长条再分成16份。然后擀成饺子皮。如果你想要快一些 可以免去揉面买现成的饺子皮来做。

4、接下来再按视频显示的方法把馅料包入。与普通饺子不同 它的两头是开口的。

5、全部包好后,取一个不粘锅,在锅里刷上一些油,等把锅贴全部整齐的码放好以后,再打开火 用中偏高火煎,

6、当你听到锅底的油发出吱吱声时,往锅贴上撒一些水,然后加盖用中火焖煮1-2分钟。接着再洒水 加盖 重复2-3次。

7、最后把锅贴翻一面 再煎1-2分钟 直到馅料熟透即可。注意不要用大火。

Today we will be making a special type of panfried dumplings. It's simple to make but crispy and mouthwateringly delicious  I used baby bok choy for the filling. 


First prepare 180 grams of all purpose flour and place them into a bowl. add in the hot water that is about 70-80degrees, about 150 ml will do. knead into dough form. Adjust the softness of the dough with small additions of flour and water, and let it sit still for 20 minutes

Make the filling. mix the ingredients on the screen together. try to chop the baby bok choy thinly

Take out the dough and knead it once again, roll it out into a long log and divide it into 16 pieces and roll them out into dumpling skins. if you are in a rush you can definitely purchase store bought dumpling skins instead. 

Follow the instructions shown and add the fillings. What distinguishes this type of dumpling for the conventional ones is that you don't fully enclose them and both ends are open

Once they are all wrapped. brush some oil on a non stick pan and neatly place the dumplings on. then turn on the heat to medium high heat

when you can hear the oil sizzling, splash on some water and cover with a lid for 1-2 minutes, then repeat 2 to 3 times


For the last time, flip the dumplings over and panfry for another 1-2 minutes until it's thoroughly cooked. carefully not to use high heat 


