五花肉500克(Pork belly 500 g)
霉干菜200克(Dried vegetables 200g )
蒜头 30克(Garlic 30 g)
老抽1汤匙(1 tbsp dark soy sauce)
料酒2汤匙(2 tbsp cooking wine)
糖2汤匙(2 tbsp sugar)
盐1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp salt)
鸡汤1/2杯(自选)1/2 cup chicken broth (optional)
红醋1茶匙(Red vinegar 1tsp)
梅菜扣肉原属粤菜中的客家菜,在各地广为流传 虽然做法有许多变化 尤其是里面的梅菜,香味神奇,用广东的梅菜是一种味道,用绍兴霉干菜又是一种味道 但都离不开两个字“好吃”! 中国人的智慧表现在食物制作上,真是无与伦比。
3、在猪皮上刷一层红醋 ,(也可以用别的醋代替)。放几分钟让肉皮吸收。
4、然后在锅里倒入足够的油,油量要足够浸泡到猪皮,油温还不热时就把肉块皮朝下放进去,一定要马上盖上盖子,因为锅里的有会不停的爆溅,记住用中等偏低的火煎猪皮 3分钟。不要随便打开盖子,直到关火并确定锅里的油不会溅出来。
6、把霉干菜 用水浸泡30分钟,然后清洗,要多洗几遍,因为可能有沙子,然后用手挤干水分备用。
9、然后用一个大碗,把肉片皮朝下,与芋头片一起摆放进去,再把炒好的霉干菜 码在上面。放入高压锅,气阀响起后转中火煮30-40分钟。或者用普通蒸锅蒸到酥烂,约需1个半到2个小时。
Select a piece of nicely shaped pot belly meat, place into a cold water pot, make sure the water covers over the meat. after the water starts to boil, cook on medium heat for 5-8minutes then turn off the heat and let it heat on the remaining heat for 30 minutes or more until a chopstick can be easily stick through with no blood water seeping out.
Take out the meat to chill and while dry with some kitchen towel, use a special tool to poke holes in the pork belly skin, if you don't have this tool you can use skewers instead, after poking the meat water will continue to seep out, keep trying with some kitchen towel and make sure the surface of the meat is dry at all times
Brush on a layer of red vinegar on the pork belly skin and let it sit a few minutes to soak in, you can substitute for other vinegars
Pour enough oil into the pot to cover the pork skin, when the oil is semi hot, place the meat skin side down and immediately cover the pot because the oil will be splashing violently for about 3 minutes, keep in mind to keep the heat on medium low .the fried pork skin will be golden and crispy, if that's not achieved, continue to fry until it has done so. take out and set to chill w heat and do not open the cover throughout until the heat is turned off.
Soak the dried cabbage for 30 minutes in some water, wash clean several times because there might be some sand in it. wring it dry and set aside
place 1 tablespoon of oil in a pot and add in some garlic and let it cook until fragrant, add in the washed fried cabbage and stir. add in the seasonings(1 tbsp dark soy sauce/2 tbsp cooking wine/2 tbsp sugar)/ 1/2 tsp salt/ 1/2 cup chicken broth ) and set aside
Slice the chilled pork belly meat and skin some large taros into similar sized slices as the pork
Take out a large bowl and place the meat slices meat side down and add in the taro slices, place the dried cabbage on top place in a pressure cooker and cook until the pressure valve sounds, then turn it down to medium heat and cook for 30-40 minutes, or if you are using a normal pot, cook for about 1 and a half to 2 hours
After it's done steaming place the sauce from the bowl into a pot then place the entire pot upside-down onto a plate, remove the bowl on top. reduce the sauce in the pot then add in a very small amount of water mixed together with corn starch, pour this sauce over the meat