鸭子半只Half a duck
花椒Chinese prickly ash
八角star anise
3、现在要准备鸭子,建议用嫩鸭,我只用了半只,在鸭身上抹一层薄薄的盐,内外都要抹上。不要太多 很薄的一层就行。
6、腌好之后,取出来把鸭子放入一个 比较深的盘子或容器里,因为蒸的时候会出很多水。在面上撒一些姜丝,放一个八角。
7、放入蒸锅里 ,大火把水烧开后 转中偏高火蒸到熟透,一般45分钟到一个小时。用筷子插入鸭子肉最厚的部位,没有血水渗出就可以了。如果用高压锅来蒸只要20分钟。
8、蒸好后,鸭子稍微放凉 就可以切块了。鸭肉多汁咸淡刚好。热吃或冷藏之后吃都非常棒。
9、留下的汤汁 味道也非常好,冷藏之后可以 很容易把面上的浮油去掉。
Chinese people often believe ducks to be beneficial during the summer season. So today I will be sharing a classic duck dish, salt brined duck. I have already made a recipe video for the traditional recipe. But today I will be showing you guys a simplified version of the recipe that will take much less time and work but taste equally delicious
First we will pan roast some prickly ash until they are all crispy. careful not to burn them and use low heat
allow the prickly ashes to cool in a plate, they will become very brittle. crush them in a mortar and pestle into a fine powder form. i made extra here because you can store them for future use
Prepare the duck. I recommend using a young duck. I'm using only half of one here. rub on a thin layer of salt both on the inners and on the outside. careful not to over do it, just a thin layer will do
Rub some of the fine powder on the duck, don't add too much
Cover with some saran wrap and marinate for 2-3 hours. keep it in the fridge during this process
After it's done marinating, place the duck into a deep container because when it steams it will release quite a bit of liquid. add on some sliced ginger and 1 star anise
Place in a steamer and boil the water on high turn it down to medium high and steam until cooked thoroughly, this should take about 45 mins to 1 hour. stick a chopstick in the thickest part and make sure no more blood water seeps through
let the duck chill and cut them up in small pieces. the meat is tender and flavourful and you can enjoy it while hot or chilled
the remaining sauce is also delicious, you can easily remove the fat floating on top after chilling the sauce
feel free to drizzle the duck with the the sauce