熟米饭Cooked rice
料酒1汤匙(1 tbsp cooking wine)
盐1/3茶匙(1/3 tsp salt)
鲜抽或美极酱油1/3茶匙(Maggi sauce 1/3 tsp)
蒜蓉1汤匙(1 tbsp minced garlic)
料酒1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp cooking wine)
糖1/4茶匙(1/4 tsp sugar)
盐一点点A little salt
1、首先,我需要一个特别的材料,干荷叶。这个在华人超市可以买到。把它用清水浸泡到软 至少一个小时。然后把坚硬的部分剪掉。
8、放入1。5汤匙的油,晃动一下锅 让锅的高处都沾上油。
9、把鸡蛋液倒入,开大火,鸡蛋很快会蓬松起来,这时把鸡蛋拨开 锅里留一点位置出来 把葱白炒香,之后倒入米饭。
10、然后马上关火,把锅里的米饭翻炒均匀,米粒沾上油后,再打开中偏高火,加入之前准备的调味料,继续翻炒 这样的做法 米饭是不会沾到锅底的,一直炒至米饭出香 且粒粒分明
14、放到滚水的锅里大火蒸20分钟 直到螃蟹蒸熟。即可
这道菜,螃蟹非常鲜美,米饭 混合的荷叶的香气和螃蟹的汤汁,非常好吃。
Today we will be making steamed crab rice
First we will need a very special ingredient, dried lotus leaves, which you can easily find in a chinese grocery store. soak until they are soft in some water, which will take at least 1 hour. snip off the tough parts of the leaf
Quickly drop it in some boiled water for 30 seconds to 1 minute then lay them flat in a bamboo steamer. go ahead and give them a trim so they all fit snuggly
Cook 2 cups of white rice, I'm using the cup that came with the rice cooker, and Gently fluff it up.
Mix together the seasonings in a bowl
Beat 2 eggs and set aside
Chop up separately some scallion whites and the green part of the scallion
Start stir frying . I will show you guys the trick to stir frying with a stainless steel pan. first the trick is to heat a pan until it's hot
Then add in 1.5 tablespoons of oil, gently tip the pan so the pan is well coated in the oil on all sides
Pour in the beaten egg and keep the heat on high, the egg will immediately fluff up, push the egg to onesie and your in the scallion whites in the remaining space in the pan. stir until fragrant pour in the white rice
Then immediately turn off the heat.and stir the rice until it is well coated in oil. Turn the heat back on to medium high and add in the seasonings from earlier, keep stir frying until the rice is fragrant and each grain is separated. this is the trick to prevent the rice from sticking
Fill the bamboo steamer with the steamed rice
Prepare the crab. you can use any type of crab for this dish, wash it clean and chop up into pieces. you can also ask the chinese grocery butcher to help you chop it up
Place the crab pieces on the rice and mix together the seasoning with the minced garlic and sprinkle it on the crab
Place the steamer on a boiling pot for 20 minutes and steam on high until the crab is all cooked
This dish is so fragrant that your entire kitchen will be filled with a mouth watering scent of the stir fried rice, refreshing bamboo leaves and the rich umami of the crab.