龙虾3磅(Lobster 3 lbs)
银鱼 100克(Silver fish 100 g)
蒜头 50克(Garlic 50 g)
红葱头 60克(Shallot 60 g)
姜 20克(Ginger 20 g)
豆豉 1茶匙( 1 tsp fermented black beans )
盐 ( salt)
白胡椒粉(white pepper
酱油 1汤匙(1 tbsp soy sauce)
糖1/2汤匙1/2 tbsp sugar
料酒1。5汤匙(1.5 tbsp cooking wine)
干辣椒2-3个(2-3 dried chillies)
面包糠 1杯(1 cup bread crumbs)
生粉1/2杯(1/2 cup cornstarch)
1、首先提前一天要准备炒料(配料)把屏幕显示的材料全部都切碎,然后放到碗里 用适量的油浸泡过夜,油要没过材料。如果你来不及也可以跳过浸泡这一步直接用新鲜的材料。
2、现在开始处理龙虾,大约3磅左右,你可以让超市售货员帮助切成块,也可以自己处理,具体的做法请看我的另一个视频。切块的龙虾 放在一个大碗里,放入大约1/3茶匙盐和1/2茶匙白胡椒粉,拌匀就可以 不需要花时间去腌制它,这样既有味道又保持龙虾肉质的鲜嫩。之后准备半杯左右的生粉,把龙虾块裹上,要多些粉,尤其虾肉露出来的部分要全部裹上粉,这样炸的时候才不会溅油。裹好的龙虾放一边备用
3、同时 我加了银鱼 100克(Silver fish 100 g) 来增加一些花样和口感,你也可以不用。把银鱼用1/4茶匙盐和1/4茶匙白胡椒粉抓匀之后 加适量的生粉裹匀一下 备用
4、锅烧热,多放些油,要把油温烧到至少170摄氏度,或者你观察油锅开始轻微冒烟就可以了,这个油温很重要 一定要高,否则龙虾不酥脆。然后把龙虾块放入用中偏高火炸,分多次炸,炸至外皮有酥脆感,或者看到龙虾肉开始与虾壳分离就可以了 时间大约只要1-2分钟。
6、炒锅烧热,把之前浸泡过夜的材料捞出来,用它自身带的油来翻炒,加入干辣椒2-3个,一起用中火翻炒,直到材料变得酥脆 淡棕色,倒入 屏幕显示的调味料快速搅匀,然后把炸好的龙虾以及银鱼放入一起翻炒 让它入味,之后,先把龙虾取出摆在盘中,倒入1杯的面包糠与锅里留下的材料一起炒 中火翻炒至面包糠变得酥脆 即可出锅,与龙虾混合装盘。
Garden Time homemade cuisine, Sautéed deep fried Lobster with Ginger and Scallion. This is a dish that is on par with restaurant flavour and presentation..
First we will chop the ingredients shown on the screen, place in a bowl and marinate with a bowl of oil over night. Make sure there is enough oil to cover the ingredients. if you don't have time you can skip this step and use fresh ingredients
Now begin cleaning the lobster. there's about 3 lbs here. you can clean and cut it yourself, I have a thorough instructional video on how to do that in my other channel linked down below. Or you can ask your lobster vendor to cut them for you.
Place the chopped lobster in a large bowl and season with 1/3 teaspoon of salt and 1/2 teaspoon of white pepper. combine well . This light seasoning will flavour the lobster nicely but allow its original fresh seafood flavour to shine through. now prepare a half cup of cornstarch and coat the lobster nice. make sure you cover every exposed part of the lobster to prevent smashing when we fry them later. set it aside
I'm preparing 100 grams of silver fish to add some complexity to the flavour and texture of this dish. you can opt out of this ingredient if you can't find it. season with 1/4 teaspoon of salt and 1/4 teaspoon of white pepper, mix well and coat with corn starch.
Heat a pot until hot and add a good amount of oil and wait until the oil temperature reaches 170degree cecius and it's slightly smoky. It's important to use super hot oil to allow the lobster to become crispy. fry the lobster in batches on medium high heat until the outside is crispy and golden . a sign that it's ready is when you begin to see the meat separating from the shell. the whole frying process should only be around 1 to 2 minutes .
Now while the oil is still hot place the silver fish in and allow them to just float without stirring them too much. fry until they are golden and crispy and set aside
Heat a wok until it's hot and sauté the ingredients marinated from the night before. no need to add additional oil. add in 2-3 dry red pepper and sauté on medium heat until everything is lightly browned. add in the seasonings shown and add in the lobster and silver fish. sauté until flavours are fully combined. now place the lobster on a plate and add in the pot 1 cup of breadcrumb and combine with the remaining ingredients. sauté on medium heat until everything is crispy and plate with the lobster
Enjoy this sure to impress gorgeous dish