盒装嫩豆腐 454g{Packed soft(silken) tofu 454g}
罐头吞拿鱼 不含水120g(Canned tuna 120 g Drained wt)
鸡蛋2个 (2 eggs)
葱花(chopped green onion)
油 2汤匙(Oil 2 tablespoons)
糖 1汤匙(Sugar 1 tablespoon)
首先我需要做一个对这个沙拉很重要的材料鱼松First , I need to make from scratch one of the most important ingredients in this salad --dried fish floss
这里需要1听的吞拿鱼罐头像视频显示的一样 打开后先把罐头里面的水倒掉 留下鱼肉。You will need some canned tuna as shown on the screen。Drain out the water from the cans and leave the tuna flakes behind
把不粘锅烧热,加入2汤匙菜油Heat up A non-stick pan and add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
放入吞拿鱼肉 用高火翻炒,耐心等到鱼肉变干 大约需要6-8分钟。 place the tuna flake in and stir-fry on high heat. be patient and wait Until the tuna flake turns dry , it will take about 6-8 minutes.
然后,把屏幕显示的糖和酱油放入,转中偏小继续翻炒 。这里糖和酱油的量尽量不要更改 因为它对最后的味道很重要。Then add in some sugar and soy sauce as shown on the screen. Turn on medium-low heat and keep stirring. Try not to adjust the amount of sugar and soy sauce because it is important to the flavor
边炒边用锅铲把鱼肉捣碎,把调味料与鱼肉搅均。直到鱼肉变得很干而且开始酥脆,大约需要10-15分钟 关火放凉。Use the spatula to mash the tuna flakes a bit. Site well. Until the tuna flake becomes very dry and start to crisp up , and it takes about 10-15 minutes then tune off the heat and let it cool.
当鱼肉放凉以后 会变得更加酥脆,这时再用锅铲捣碎一次 鱼松就做好了when the tuna flake has cool down completely, it will be extra crispy. Then break them apart a bit with a spatula. Now the fish floss is ready.
现在我们我们要准备另一个配料 煮鸡蛋,小汤锅里装入冷水,把2-3个鸡蛋放入锅内 加盖 水要没过鸡蛋 开大火把水煮开 然后转中偏小火煮7分钟 之后关火把鸡蛋留在锅里加盖焖3分钟 这样鸡蛋就能完全煮透了。Now we are going to prepare the other ingredients. Firstly, we have the boiled eggs。Fill a small pot with cold water, put 2 or more eggs in and cover with a lid. Remember the water must cover the eggs. Bring them to boil on high heat and then turn the heat down to medium-low and cook for 7 minutes . turn off the heat and let it sit in the water for 3 minutes.allowing the eggs to cook thoroughly
把煮好的鸡蛋取出 放入一大盆冷水里几分钟,这样鸡蛋就很容易剥开 而不破皮。take out the cooked eggs and place it in a large pot of cold water for a few minutes,this way the eggs can be peeled off easily without breaking
把鸡蛋切成几片备用 我这里用的是细线来切 可以保持鸡蛋片外形完整。Cut the cooked eggs into a few slices, I'm paying extra attention to make sure I can keep the pretty shape of the egg pieces.
接着就是沙拉的酱汁 ,先把花生酱和酱油调匀 然后分几次加入2-3汤匙纯净水调匀,直到酱汁变得比较稀的状态像屏幕显示的那样。这里要告诉大家花生酱和酱油混合 会产生很美妙的味道。Now we will make the sauce, mix the peanut butter and soy sauce fist ,and then gradually add 2-3 tablespoons of clean water in,Until the sauce becomes thinner as shown . This is a simple sauce with only peanut butter and soy sauce, but it's very flavourful
现在我们把唐生菜切碎 放在盘子底部。这个步骤对这道沙拉很重要,一会你就会知道。 now we will cut the lettuce and place them as the base of this dish. This step is very important for this salad, I will explain why later
现在是主角 豆腐 你要选可以做凉拌沙拉的盒装嫩豆腐, 把豆腐切成小块 放在生菜上面 摆上鸡蛋片 和 淋上酱汁 最后撒上鱼松和葱花 now for the main ingredient, Tofu. Remember you have to choose the boxed soft tofu. Cut the tofu into small cubes and place it on top on the lettuce. place on the egg slices and decorate ,pour the sauce on and finally sprinkle on the fish floss and the chopped green onions
现在我告诉大家放生菜的好处,一般嫩豆腐很会出水,会把酱汁稀释 把鱼松泡软,那么我们把生菜垫在底部 豆腐出的水就被生菜隔离开了,这样既丰富了色彩又解决了问题。Now to reveal the secret to why we're using the lettuce to plate. usually soft tofu tend to seep out a lot of liquid after it's been sitting around for a while, which will thin out the sauce and as a result make the fish floss soggy. By putting the lettuce as a barrier, it will solve this problem while serving as a vibrant decoration