
猪脊骨500克(Pork chop bone 500 g)

元贝10克(Dry scallops 10 g)

生姜 10克(Ginger 10 grams)

红枣 3-4个(3-4 Red dates)

枸杞子 1汤匙(Goji berry 1 tbsp)

水1800毫升(Water 1800 ml)

冬瓜500克 (Wintermelon 500g)


1、首先把 猪脊骨500克(Pork chop bone 500 g)放到冷水锅里,烧开后把猪骨捞出,洗去浮沫,沥干备用。

2、 再把 元贝10克(Dry scallops 10 g),用水泡软, 可以用虾干代替。

3、取一个砂锅,把 清洗过的 猪脊骨(Pork chop bone )泡软的元贝(Dry scallops ) 枸杞子 (Goji berry .) 红枣 ( Red dates)

生姜 (Ginger )和水一起放入。大火烧开后转小火煮40分钟。

4、然后,把 冬瓜500克 (Wintermelon 500g) 切片后 放入汤里 ,加些盐调味,再用中火煮至冬瓜熟透,即可。




Today we will be making a delicious and refreshing pork bone winter melon broth

First we will place 500grams of Pork chop bone into a pot of cold water.

After it has come to a boil, remove the bone and wash off the foam, drain and set aside

Soak 10grams of dry scallops in some water until they've been softened, you can substitute with dry mini prawns

Use a casserole pot and add in the pork chop bone and the dry scallops some goji berries,red dates and some gingers. Add in some water and heat on high. After it boils turn it down to low and let it simmer for 40 minutes 

After 40 minutes add 500 grams of sliced winter melon into the broth and season with salt. heat on medium heat until the winter melon is fully cooked through.





