
苦瓜300克(Bitter gourd 300 g)

盐 1茶匙+1/4茶匙(Salt 1 tsp + 1/4 tsp)

糖 1.5茶匙(1.5 tsp sugar)

麻油 1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp sesame oil)

蒜头1瓣(2 cloves garlic)

红辣椒 适量(Red pepper)



1、首先需要一个苦瓜 大约300克左右,对半切开,然后把里面的籽和白色的馕 用勺子刮干净。

2、用一把锋利的刀 把苦瓜切成薄片,尽可能薄,这样口感才会好。

3、切好后放到碗里 放入1茶匙盐,抓匀后腌10分钟(不要太长时间)。

4、烧开一锅水,把腌好的苦瓜片倒入,用大火再把水烧开,就可以捞出来了。捞出后直接放入一大盆冷水里 最好是冰水。

5、苦瓜在水里变凉后 取出沥干,再用厨房纸吸干水份 一边备用。



today we will be making another bitter melon dish that is perfect for the summer. Bittermelon is a very healthy vegetable that the Chinese believe to be a great at cooling down the body. In this recipe I will be sharing techniques that will remove some of the bitterness and allow you to better enjoy this vegetable. 


First we will need a bitter melon that is 300 grams in weight. slice in half and remove the white rind and seed with a spoon

Now use a sharp knife and slice as thinly as possible as shown. this will give this dish a great texture 

Place them in a bowl with 1 teaspoon of salt and marinate for 10 minutes, careful not to go overtime

Boil a pot of water and blanch the salted bitter melon slices. after it comes to a boil on high heat, strain and chill in a ice water bath 

After they are completely cooled, strain and dry with paper towel, set aside

slice up some red pepper slices


Mix the bitter melon, red pepper together and grate in 2 heads of garlic, season with the following ingredients 


