莲藕350克左右(Lotus root 350 grams)
南乳1块加1汤匙汤汁(Fermented bean curd 1 cube + 1 tbsp sauce)
欢迎来到田园时光美食 今天要分享是一道经典的小炒,南乳炒藕片。
1、先把莲藕大约350克 去皮,用擦片器 切成薄片。你也可以用刀切 如果你刀工好的话
2、把切好的藕片用清水清洗一下,去掉藕片表面的淀粉质,然后放入滚水里烫一下 马上捞出 然后再用清水冲凉沥干。这步是为了让炒出来的藕片有很脆的口感。
3、现在准备南乳Fermented bean curd 1块再加里面的汤汁1汤匙,用勺子压成泥状,可以加一点水调匀,一边备用。
4、把炒锅烧热 放1汤匙油,再放入藕片,稍微翻炒一会 即可倒入之前调好的南乳汁,炒匀。为了保证藕片外形完整漂亮,可以加一点点水一起翻炒,这时尝一下味道 ,如果味道不足可以加些盐。
5、最后让藕片在锅里稍微煮一下 入味 即可装盘。
Today we will be making fermented bean curd stir fry lotus.
First peel the lotus, I'm using one about 350grams. Use a slice grater and cut them into thin slices. You can also cut manually with a knife if you're confident of your knife skills
Wash clean the lotus slices to get rid of some of the starch. quickly blanch them in a pot of boiling water. strain and give it a quick cold water bath. this will allow the lotus to be super crunchy
Prepare the fermented bean curd. remove 1 cube with 1 tablespoon of the sauce. mash it up with a fork and mix in a bit of water, set aside
Heat a pan until it's hot, add a tablespoon of oil. add in the lotus slices, stir around and add in the fermented bean curd sauce. combine well. to keep the lotus slices in tact, add a little bit of water when you stir fry. taste and add salt if needed
Let the lotus simmer in the sauce until it's fully cooked.
This is a deliciously fragrant dish with a crunchy texture