哈利拔斑鱼400克(Halibut steak 400 g)
胡萝卜50克(50 g carrots)
洋葱80克(80 g onion)
青瓜 50克(50 g cucumber)
生姜10克 (10 g ginger)
豆腐泡100克 (Fried Tofu Ball 100 g)
盐1/3茶匙(1/3 tsp salt)
料酒1茶匙(1 tsp cooking wine)
白胡椒粉 1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp white pepper)
生粉2-3汤匙(2-3 tbsp cornstarch)
盐1/4茶匙(1/4 tsp salt)
番茄沙司 1.5汤匙(1.5 tbsp ketchup)
蚝油 1汤匙(1 tbsp oyster sauce)
白胡椒粉 1/茶匙(1/2 tsp white pepper)
酱油1茶匙(1 tsp soy sauce)
糖 1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp sugar)
料酒1茶匙(1 tsp cooking wine)
水1/2杯(1/2 cup water)
1、准备400克左右的 比目鱼排(哈利拔斑鱼)
3、切好的鱼块用屏幕显示的腌料腌10分钟,再放入生粉2-3汤匙(2-3 tbsp cornstarch) 裹匀一下 一边备用。
4、下面我们准备配料:取豆腐泡100克 (Fried Tofu Ball 100 g) 对半切开,或者你可以用煎过的普通豆腐。同时把屏幕显示的洋葱、胡萝卜、青瓜 和生姜准备好。
6、煎锅烧热,放入1杯油,油需要多一些,油温要高,当锅里的油基本看不到流动,就可以把腌好的鱼块放入大火煎,我用的是不锈钢锅,所以一开始不要去翻动它,那样容易碎掉,一直煎到底部变酥 轻轻推一下不粘在锅底 就可以翻面了。另外鱼块一次不要放太多太挤,可以分两次煎,一直把鱼块煎到2面酥脆就可以取出来备用。
7、炒锅里放2汤匙油,把之前准备的洋葱、生姜和胡萝卜用中火翻炒1分钟,再把青瓜放入,稍微翻炒一下,把准备好的酱汁倒入 混匀,然后把它们转到砂锅里,再往砂锅里放入豆腐泡Fried Tofu Ball,稍微搅拌一下,最上层放上煎好的鱼块,不要翻动,加盖用中偏高火烧开,煮1分钟就可以了,用勺子轻轻把锅底部的酱汁和配料翻上来一些,让它们和鱼混合。最后加些白胡椒粉或黑胡椒粉 即可。
First prepare 400grams of Halibut steak, fresh or frozen are both fine
Cut them into chunks. This type of fish has very soft tendons but if you are not a fan of that texture you can use fillet instead or cut around it
Now we will make the marinate with the seasonings shown and marinate the fish for 10 minutes, then add in 2-3 tablespoon of cornstarch and set aside
Now prepare the accompanying ingredients, slice 100grams of fried tofu balls in half, or you can use normal tofu, also prepare the onions, carrots, cucumbers and gingers
Now make the sauce with these ingredients
Heat a pan until it's hot, add in 1 cup of oil. Make sure you are using enough oil and wait until the temperature is high enough that you can no longer see movement in the oil. now fry the marinated fish pieces on high heat. I'm using a stainless steel pot here. don't stir the fish around initially to prevent it from falling apart. when the fish is crispy at the bottom, gently flip it over. Don't over crowd the pan and fry in 2 separate batches. set all the crispy fish chunks aside
Now place 2 tablespoons of oil and starry the onions, gingers and carrots on medium heat for 1 minute, place in the cucumber and stir a bit more, add in the sauce and combine.set that into a casserole pot and add in the fried tofu balls as well, gently mix it together. place the fried fish on top. cover and cook on medium high heat and cook for 1 minutes and it's ready. gently spoon out the sauce from the bottom and drizzle on top to coat the fish. season with a bit of white pepper or black pepper powder