鲈鱼或其他鱼 500克(Fish 500 g)

蒜头35克(Garlic 35 g)

洋葱70克(Onion 70 g)

西红柿90克(Tomatoes 90 g)

香菜120克(Coriander 120 g)

红辣椒 1个(1 red pepper)

姜 5克(Ginger 5 g)

鱼露 2茶匙(Fish sauce 2 tsp)

糖1/4茶匙(Sugar 1/4 tsp)

青柠檬1个半(Lemon 1 and a half)


1、首先我们可以选鲈鱼 来做这道菜 其实什么样品种的肉质鲜嫩的鱼都行,大约500克左右。在鱼身上划几刀,这样煮的时候会更入味。

2、 然后把鱼放在一个有一点深度的盘子里,因为蒸的时候会出水。


4、然后取出来连汤汁一起覆盖在鱼身上,鱼肚子里也可以放一些。 。


6、另取一个小锅 用瓦斯炉或电磁炉加热,在锅底先放上一些白萝卜丝或者其他口感比较脆的蔬菜,

7、再把蒸好的鱼连同汤汁一起放入小锅内,另外再放入几片青柠檬  边加热边吃。


Today I will be sharing a recipe for fish lovers, we will be making a a lemon fish pot


First we will select our fish. I'm using a bass here, any type of bass is fine. about 500 grams 

make a few slits on the sides of the fish to allow the seasonings to fully immerse


Place the fish on a plate with a dip in the middle to collect the moisture that seeps out when we steam the fish

combine the ingredients in a mixer and pulse until it's finely chopped, you can also do this step by hand 


Pour on the seasoning along with the sauce on the fish, fill free to stuff the inside of the fish with some seasonings also


Place the plate in a boiling pot and steam on high heat for 8-10 minutes. you will see a lot of liquid at the bottom of the plate when you steam the fish, don't worry, we will use it later.


Use a small pot and let it heat on a portable gas stove. add in a layer of white turnip match sticks or other crunchy vegetables. add the fish in along with the soup collected. and add in a few slices of lime. enjoy this dish while it's cooking! refreshing and delicious 




