
羊肩肉 330克(Lamb shoulder 330g

1/4茶匙(Salt 1/4 teaspoon)

白胡椒粉1/2茶匙(White pepper 1/2 teaspoon)

姜泥 1茶匙(Ginger 1 teaspoon)

蒜泥 1/2茶匙(Garlic 1/2 teaspoon)

菜油 2汤匙(Vegetable oil 2 tablespoons)

孜然颗粒1/4茶匙(Cumin seeds 1/4 teaspoon

酱油1茶匙(Soy sauce 1 teaspoon







1、羊肩肉 切成小方条 ,加入屏幕显示腌料 拌匀 腌制1个小时

Slice the lamb meat into strips. Season as shown and marinate for one hour

2、准备蔬菜 我推荐:胡萝卜 节瓜 西兰花。数量和羊肉各占一半。

3、Prepare the veggies, I recommend using carrots, zukkinis and broccolis. The meat and veggie ratio should be 50:50

4、把腌好的羊肉放入不粘煎锅 不需要放油。中偏高火 煎至羊肉熟透且外表焦香。装出一边备用。

.. Place the marinated lamb meat in a non stick pan, no need to ad oil. Pan fry on medium high heat until the meat is slightly crispy on the outside. Take out and set aside

5、留下锅里的油,把蔬菜放入炒软 放些盐调味。再倒入煎锅的羊肉,加入酱油和孜然颗粒 炒匀即可出锅。


. Use the remaining oil in the pan and sauteed the veggies. Add the lamb meat back in and season with soysauce and cumin. Stir to combine.


