豉椒蒸三文鱼(鲜美无比 超级简单)

三文鱼300克(Salmon 300 grams)

姜丝15克(Ginger 15 grams)

葱 1根(1 green onion)


盐 1/3茶匙(Salt 1/3 teaspoon)

黑豆豉1茶匙( Fermented black beans  1 teaspoon )

生抽 1茶匙( Light soy sauce 1 teaspoon)

香醋 1/4茶匙(Balsamic vinegar 1/4 teaspoon)

糖1/4茶匙(Sugar 1/4 teaspoon)

剁椒 1/2茶匙(Chop pepper 1/2 tsp)

油 适量(Oil )

1、首先把大约300克左右的三文鱼排 像视频显示的那样切成块,检查一下是不是还有没有去除干净的鱼刺。

2、然后取一个有一定深度的盘子,在底部平铺上几块豆腐 。然后再放上三文鱼块。

3、接着我们准备配料:首先很重要的是生姜 我会把生姜上的皮去掉 然后切成丝 这里用了大约15克左右。接着就是准备一根葱 先把葱白部分切丝  从叶子留着最后用。


5、然后就是要准备酱汁,先把1茶匙的黑豆豉Fermented black beans  (这个在华人超市都可以买到),切碎,放到一个小碗里 再往里加生抽Light soy sauce  ,一点点的香醋 和一点点的糖 ,以及一点的剁椒Chop pepper 这是我自己做的剁椒 非常香  做法会给你一个链接,如果没有,可以用新鲜的辣椒代替。调匀

6、把调好的酱汁浇到鱼块上  整个盘子放入滚水的锅里,我在锅盖上包一层纱布 可以避免蒸的时候水滴流到鱼肉上,用大火蒸大约5-6分钟 不要蒸过头 否则鱼肉就不嫩了。

7、最后撒上切碎的葱叶子,再把少量滚热的油 淋在鱼肉上。出锅 趁热吃

这样做的蒸鱼 肉质很鲜嫩 酱汁也非常好吃 盘子底部的豆腐 吸收了鱼肉及汤汁的味道 同样很美味



Welcome to Garden Time Homemade Cuisine, today we will be making a Chinese Salmon dish!

First prepare 300 grams of salmon steak, slice them as shown, do a quick check to see all the bones have been picked out

Prepare a plate that has a well in the centre and mat on the tofu chunks, then lay the salmon pieces on top

Prepare the side ingredients, the most important flavour will come from the ginger, peel the skin off and cut into thin match sticks, I'm using about 15 grams here. we will also be using an entire green onion, slice the white part into thin matchsticks and set the green leafy parts for later use

Place the ginger and green onion sticks on top of the fish and season with salt

For the sauce, mix together 1 teaspoon of chopped fermented black beans, which you can find in Chinese supermarkets, some light soy sauce, a bit of vinegar and sugar, as well as I will be adding in a pickled chopped pepper paste that I made myself, I will leave a link down below for the recipe, or you could substitute with fresh chopped red pepper. mix well

Pour the sauce onto of the fish and place the plate into a pot of boiling water, cover the lid with a layer of cheese cloth to prevent the steam moisture from dripping on to the dish, steam for only 5-6 minutes, the texture of the fish is very important,  if you over steam it, it will quickly become hard and chewy. 

The final step is to sprinkle on the green portion of the green onions and drizzle on a small amount of sizzling hot oil, and the dish is ready! 

this steamed fish is  full of flavour and the meat is soft and sweet. as well the tofu soaks up all the wonderful flavour, truly a delicious dish 


