任意南瓜 200克(squash or pumpkin 200g)
带盐黄油1汤匙(salted butter 1 tablespoon)
糖1汤匙+1茶匙(Sugar 1 tablespoon +1 teaspoon)
肉桂粉1/4茶匙(Cinnamon powder 1/4 teaspoon)
糯米粉1杯 约120克『Glutinous rice flour 1 cup (240 ml)』
沸水 1/2杯(Boiling water 1/2 cup)
椰丝 Shredded coconut
选任意你喜欢的南瓜 取200克 。蒸熟或煮熟
any type of squash or pumpkin 200g. steam or boil until it's fully cooked
2、用不粘锅 小火融化黄油(1汤匙)倒入南瓜,关火 把南瓜压成泥
Use a non-stick pan Melt the salted butter(1 tablespoon) on low heat ,add in the pumpkin and then turn off the heat and mash the pumpkin
3、加入白糖和肉桂粉 小火翻炒,直到南瓜起粘性 能成团。
Add sugar and cinnamon powder and stir-fry on low heat。Cook the pumpkin until it's sticky and can form a ball
4、加入烤熟的核桃碎 拌匀。
Add in chopped roasted walnuts 2 tablespoons
5、准备1杯糯米粉 加入1茶匙白糖 混匀,倒入半杯沸水 用筷子搅成雪花状。
Prepare 1 cup of glutinous rice flouradd in 1 teaspoon of sugar and boiling water 1/2 cup, mix well . Don't knead with your hand, stir gently with chopstick
6、面团不烫手时,戴手套把糯米粉捏成团 成团即可 因为很粘。
Once the dough is no longer hot, knead the dough with gloves on until it's round in shape, No need to do this for too long, and it's normal for it to be sticky
Knead the dough over a piece of saran wrap. If it's too sticky, sprinkle on some glutinous rice flour. roll the dough out into a rectangular piece
8、抹上馅料 外延留一点空间 不要放太满
Spread the filling (Pumpkin paste)on the dough .leave a small space at the border
9、两边合上。卷的时候隔着保鲜膜 避免手触碰到糯米团。
fold the other side over and close the front edge as shown Roll it with the saran wrap, or else it will be stick all over your hands
line then bamboo steamer with some steamer paper or you can use parchment paper as well. but be sure to poke a few holes to allow air circulation
11、小心把糯米卷放入蒸笼 手上可以抹些粉防粘
Careful place the dough in(dusting your hand with loose flour)
12、中小火蒸15分钟(不能大火 分钟糯米团外形会垮的)
steam in a boiling steameron medium low heat for for 15 minutes。Do not use high heat or the glutinous rice roll won't be able to hold it's shape。
13、放凉后 小心把糯米卷移到椰丝上 取掉垫纸(烘焙纸)用椰丝帮助 可以避免手触碰到糯米卷
Carefully remove the glutinous rice roll onto the shredded coconut Remove the baking paper. The shredded coconut will also help you not get stuck to it
14、椰丝裹在糯米卷上 切块即成。室温保存 当天吃完 冷藏不要超过30分钟 久了会变硬。
coat the roll with shredded coconut。Keep in room temperature. It's best to eat fresh。
If you put it in the fridge for longer than 1 hour , it'll become hard..