
马蹄粉 1/4杯(Water chestnut powder 1/4 cup

3/4杯(Water 3/4 cup

红糖 3-4汤匙(Brown sugar 3-4 tablespoons

糖桂花 1汤匙(sweet-scented osmanthus 1 tablespoon



1、往马蹄粉里加水 和 棕糖 搅拌之后 需要过滤一下,因为马蹄粉颗粒比较粗。

Add water to the water chest powder. Add in the brown sugar and mix. Strain through a sift to get rid of larger particles

2、再往里面加 糖桂花(这种桂花市场上比较少见 可用红枣碎代替 或者不用)

Add in the sweet-scented osmanthus. This might be hard to find in a grocery store. You can replace with chopped dates or just skip this step

3、开中偏小火 加热  不时地搅拌 一直到马蹄浆完全透明。

Boil eater on medium low heat. Keep stirring until the mixture becomes clear

4、立即准备一大盘纯净冰水 把锅里煮好的马蹄糕 用勺子分几次拨到冰水里冷却 加些冰块会冷却的更快 。

Prepare a big pot of ice cold water and spoon in the jelly mixture one spoon at a time. Add some ice cubes to keep the water cool.

5、当马蹄糕完全冷却后即可取出  切成小块食用。可以加一些杏仁奶 或牛奶。

Once the jelly sets completely, you can take it out of the water and it's ready to easy. Cut it up and place in a container with some almond milk o milk.

6、吃不完的凉糕可以放冰箱冷藏 一定要冷吃才有Q弹的口感。


Store in the fridge to keep the chewy texture


