香酥烤核桃 (琥珀核桃)

核桃 2杯约210 g(Walnut 2 cups )

红(棕)糖 1/4杯约40 g(Brown sugar 1/4 cup )

盐 1/4茶匙(Salt 1/4 teaspoon)

八角1个(1 star anise)

水 120毫升(Water 120 ml)


今天要给大家分享一款非常好吃的小零食,香酥烤核桃 它的做法很简单。


2、把核桃沥干水分后 放到一个小的汤锅里,再加入 棕糖、盐、水和八角,搅匀。

3、先用大火烧开,然后转中火慢慢的煮,不时地搅拌,让核桃均匀地吸收汤汁的味道,直到锅内汤汁烧干, 关火,取出八角,把核桃平铺在烤盘中。


4、烤箱预热300华氏度,烤20分钟。因为烤箱可能有不同 你要观察颜色变化,不要烤焦了。

5、烤好的核桃 让它完全放凉,之后就会变得很干很酥脆。非常的好吃。


Today we will be making a delicious snack, crunchy sugar coated walnuts. It's simple to make but addictively delicious


first wash clean the walnuts. If you dont like the layer of skin, you can blanch them in some hot water and gently peel it off. But I personally like to keep it on since they're quite nutritional


drain the walnuts and place them into a small pot, then add in some brown sugar, salt, water & star anise 


Let the water come to a boil, turn the heat down to medium and stir constantly. 

You want to let the walnuts soak up all the flavour and keep stirring until all the sauce has evaporated. Turn off the heat and remove the star anise. Spread the walnuts evenly on a baking tray  


preheat the oven to 300degree Fahrenheit and bake for 20 minutes. Since all ovens are slightly different, keep a close eye on these so they don't burn 


once they're done baking, let them cool and crisp up. 


