
中筋面粉1杯 约150克(All purpose flour 1 cup of about 240 ml)

烤熟白芝麻 1/2杯 约70克(Roasted white sesame 1/2 cup )

黑芝麻 2汤匙(Black Sesame 2 tablespoons)

白糖 1/4杯约45克(Sugar 1/4 cup )

椰奶 1/2杯约120ml (Coconut milk 1/2 cup )


咸味配方Savoury version

中筋面粉1杯 约150克(All purpose flour 1 cup of about 240 ml)

白芝麻 1/2杯 约70克(White sesame 1/2 cup )

黑芝麻 2汤匙(Black Sesame 2 tablespoons)

盐 1/2茶匙(Salt 1/2 teaspoon )

五香粉 1/2茶匙(Five spiced powder 1/2 teaspoon)

椰奶 1/2杯约120ml(Coconut milk 1/2 cup )

   1把所有材料混合 揉成团。(如果你喜欢 还可以再加2汤匙黑芝麻,这里的椰奶要用浮在上面的白色的部分 才有足够的油脂)

     Mix all the ingredients together and knead into a dough If you like, you can      add in      two tablespoons of black sesame  Use the coconut cream floating      on top so that        it has enough fat content

  2、分成8-10份。再把每个小面团擀成薄片 越薄越好。

     Divide into 8 to 10 portions. Roll the dough out into a thin sheet

 3、 放入煎锅 用中偏小火烙 (不放油)不时翻面 直到表面金黄 饼子变脆。

     Place in a frying pan, cook on medium low heat. No need to add additional        oil.  Keep flipping until both sides are golden and crispy


    Let it cool at a will ventilate area for it to become extra crispy

  5、你可以尝试用油煎,会更香 但作为零食我更喜欢无油的。 多余的椰奶 建议煮一锅咖喱鸡 做法可以搜 田园 咖喱鸡

    You can also try to pantry them in oil to get the extra flakiness. But I         personally  prefer the healthier oilfree method ,The extra coconut milk can       be used in a curry chicken dish. Which you can see in the link below


