
花生200克Peanut 200 grams


麦芽糖60-70克Maltose 60-70 grams


白糖2汤匙Sugar 2 tablespoons


水1/4杯Water 1/4 cup


盐1/4茶匙Salt 1/4 teaspoon


糯米粉 1/4杯glutinous rice flour1/4 cup


欢迎来到田园时光美食 今天我给大家做一个我自己家的小点心 花生酥



2、烤箱预热350华氏度,烤十分钟。到颜色微黄,然后关闭烤箱 把花生留在烤箱里十几分钟,烤箱的预热会让花生的颜色会变得更深。

3、取出放凉 要完全凉透。

4、这时我们炒一些糯米粉 用中火慢慢的炒到颜色微黄 即可一边备用。

5、现在把放凉的花生放到机器里打成粉状。因为花生油脂高 容易黏,可能会有部分打不碎,可以分2-3次来打,直到全部变成粉状。

6、现在我们熬糖浆,把屏幕显示的麦芽糖和白糖以及水放到小汤锅里,用中火烧开,然后转小火慢慢熬 大约15分钟。

7、测试一下,当糖浆可以拉出丝来,同时把糖浆滴到冷水里 可以凝固成型 说明糖浆刚好了,马上加入少量的盐和之前准备的花生粉。

8、快速搅拌 均匀,然后放到烘培蜡纸上  小心糖浆的温度较高,尽量用烘培纸来接触花生泥 以免烫伤。

9、利用纸张把花生泥揉匀,然后先用擀面杖擀薄一些,然后包上烘培纸 我这里纸张的长度大约50厘米。

10、像屏幕显示的这样 把花生泥擀成薄片。之后撒上炒熟的糯米粉 再卷起来,我这里做成2个小卷。

11、趁花生卷 还没有完全凉透之前 切片。放凉之后 会变得很脆 非常的香。



Hey everyone, today we will be making a holiday treat perfect as a homemade christmas gift. Enjoy these crunchy peanut rolls 


First we will prep 200 grams of skinless peanuts, spread them on a baking pan

Preheat the oven to 350 farenheight  and bake the peanuts for 10 minutes until they are toasted and lightly golden, turn the heat off and let it bake in the remaining heat for another 10 minutes, this will darken the colour

Now set the peanuts out to cool completely

We will prep the glutinous flour. toast in a pan on medium heat until it's lightly yellow, set aside

pulse the cooled peanuts in to a powder. since  peanuts are high in oil content, you might want to Separate the peanuts into several batches to prevent sticking and to make sure there are no large chunks left behind. do this step until everything is a powder. 

Time to make the syrup,  combine the maltose along with the sugar and water in a small saucepan and boil on medium heat, turn the heat down to low and slowly cook for 15 minutes

Do the sugar taste. if the sugar mixture can be pulled into a thin string or if it solidifies in cold water when dripped in, it's ready.

Quickly add in the salt and peanut powder prepared from earlier  

Quickly stir and combine and transfer onto a piece of wax paper. be really careful in this step because melted sugar is extremely hot, so use the wax paper to move the content around

Gently knead around through the paper and then roll it ou with a rolling pin. wrap it in wax paper. the one  I m using is about 50 cm in length

Roll it out into a thin layer as shown then sprinkle on a thin layer of toasted glutinous rice flour roll it up. I'm rolling then into 2 rolls here

while it's still hot, slice. let it set to crisp up.


