中筋面粉270克(270 g all purpose flour)
糖50克(50 g sugar)
鸡蛋1个(1 egg)
猪油或菜油 25克(Lard or vegetable oil 25 g)
小苏打1/4茶匙(1/4 teaspoon baking soda)
泡打粉 1/2茶匙(1/2 teaspoon baking powder)
水 125毫升(Water 125 ml)
今天我给大家来分享一个传统零食,脆麻花, 这种麻花吃起来是脆的,同时略带一点点硬的,但是越嚼越香,这是真正我家乡的味道。
2、再加入鸡蛋 和猪油,可以用菜油代替。然后慢慢的边搅动边加水,直到面能成团,并且略微有点软的状态,我这里大约加了125毫升的水。
3、把面揉成团 可能会比较粘手,所以不一定要揉到很光滑,能成团就行。
7、再把小面团逐个揉到光滑,放在板上 用有一点点湿的厨房纸或纱布覆盖 防止面团表面变干,静置15分钟。
8、之后在手上抹一点点的油 把小面团搓成均匀的长条,注意要均匀,然后长条的头尾朝相反方向慢慢卷搓 ,然后提起合拢 即卷成麻花状 接口处捏紧。
Today we will be making a traditional Chinese snack of my hometown, fried braid dough.. It's slightly hard in texture and has a fantastic crunch. Truly a delicious taste of home.
First mix together the flour the sugar, the baking soda and baking powder in a bowl. mix well
Add in the egg and lard, or you can substitute with vegetable oil and slowly mix together while adding in the water until it forms into a dough. it should be on the softer end. i added about 125 ml of water
Once you have formed the dough, it should be on the stickier side. but don't worry about making it completely smooth, as long as it's a dough shape it's fine
Wrap the dough with some saran wrap and let it sit for 30 minutes
Place the dough on the board again and knead it once again, it will still be sticky so dust a light layer of flour on your hands before rolling. careful not to over do it,
Knead until the dough is smooth and gained elasticity
Roll the dough out into a long log and divide into smaller doughs, about 35 grams each
Knead each dough until smooth and place them on a board, cover with a wet kitchen towel or cheese cloth to prevent drying out. let it sit for 15 minutes.
Rub a bit of oil on your hands and roll each of the little dough into a long log. it's important to keep the log evenly shaped. twist the log in opposite directions until the braid shape is formed. taper tightly on the end
Add some oil in a pot and heat until it's 150degree celsius. turn the heat down to low and add in the braided dough. once the dough begin to expand and turn the heat to medium, the ideal temperature is 120 degree celsius
The trick to this snack is to be patient and fry thoroughly to achieve the crunchy texture. it takes about 20 minutes to completely fry the dough. it should be dark golden in color
A tip on the baking powder, if you are using the one I have here, it's actually a stronger version of the normal baking powder so make sure to reduce 1/3 of the original portion