--而西方科学家对红菜头的研究表明:它不仅能提高耐力,使肌肉更加努力地工作,另一方面亦含有钾,镁,铁以及维生素A,B6,C和叶酸。甜菜还含有碳水化合物,蛋白质,强大的抗氧化剂和可溶性纤维。(Not only is beetroot great for boostingstamina and making muscles work harder, it also contains potassium, magnesium and iron as well as vitamins A, B6 and C, and folic acid.Beets also contain carbohydrates, protein, powerful antioxidants and soluble fibre. )
1、降低血压和心脏病发作和中风的风险。(Reduces blood pressure and the risk of heart attacks and strokes )
(Beetroot contains folic acid which is essential for normal tissue growth. Folic acid is crucial to the development of a baby’s spinal cord during the first three months of pregnancy and can help prevent spinal cord defects such as spina bifida)
3、减少骨质疏松症的风险(Reduces risk of osteoporosis)
4、帮助延缓老年痴呆症的进程(Helps slow progression of dementia )
材料:煮熟的红菜头 3个左右、切碎薄荷叶 1茶匙、橄榄油 1汤匙、白糖 1茶匙、红酒醋(或果醋)1茶匙、柠檬 半个、盐 少许。
( Slice the beetroot or cut it into even-sized dice with a sharp knife. Put the beetroot in a bowl.)
Add the sugar , red wine vinegar , lemon juice , olive oil and a pinch of salt to the diced beetroot and toss lightly.
Add the thinly sliced fresh mint to the salad and toss lightly until well combined . if you have time . chill the salad for about 1 hour.