牛腩500克( Beef Brisket 500g)
大号番茄3-4个约1100克(3-4 tomatoes (large) about 1100 g)
盐1/2茶匙(Salt 1/2 teaspoon)
1、选牛腩 最好的是小牛腩 切小块。
First we will prepare 500 g of beef brisket. cut into chunks
2、放入冷水锅里 水一烧开即可捞出,放凉之后清洗干净。
Then placed in a pot of cold water. when the water comes to a boil , immediately drain ,let it cool down and then wash clean
3 . 准备大号的番茄3-4个 去皮(可以用刀削 或在番茄上划十字刀 放入滚水烫1分钟 很容易去皮) 切片。
Prepare 3-4 tomatoes (large) about 1100 g. Peel the tomatoes .(Score the tomato as shown and place in boiling water for a few minutes, the skin should peel off easily)slice the tomatoes。
3、准备一个铸铁锅 先把番茄放入铸铁锅 再放入牛腩 用中偏高火煮至番茄出水,然后搅匀 转小火煮一个小时左右 直到牛肉熟透。
Prepare a cast iron pot 。Add in the tomato slices and beef brisket. cover the lid and cook on Medium high heat until the tomato is watery。And then turn down to low cook for1 hour until the beef is tender to your liking
4、加盐1/2茶匙和西式泡椒 或中式泡椒 少量。再煮5-10分钟出锅
Add in salt( 1/2 teaspoon )and Pickled hot pepper rings。Cook for another 5-10 minutes