鲜鱿鱼 一只约350克(A fresh squid about 350 g)
西红柿 100克(Tomatoes 100 g)
姜片5克(Ginger 5 g)
葱段 10克(Scallion 10 g)
水发冬菇25克(25 g Black mushrooms)
湿淀粉—生粉和水各2汤匙(Wet starch= 2 tbsp cornstarch + 2 tbsp water)
糖 1汤匙(1 tablespoon sugar)
盐 1/2茶匙(1/2 teaspoon salt)
白胡椒粉1茶匙(1 tsp white pepper powder)
香醋1.5汤匙(Chinese balsamic vinegar 1.5 tbsp)
蛋白1个(1 egg white)
水500毫升(500 ml of water)
今天给大家分享一道我家乡福州的酸辣汤,福州人做酸辣汤可以用鱿鱼干,炸过的猪皮等等,今天我给大家做的是新鲜的鱿鱼酸辣汤,酸酸甜甜和微辣的口感 非常美味。
1、首先我们来处理鲜鱿鱼,按照视频展示的方法 把鱿鱼头和外皮都清理出来 ,这部分可以留着炒洋葱吃,留下的鱿鱼主要部分 我们要切成鱿鱼花。
2、按照视频显示的方法划切十字花刀,不要切断。另外注意十字花刀 2次的刀法是不一样的,第一次是90度角切下去,第二次是30度角斜切,然后每三刀切断成一片。这样煮出来后的鱿鱼就会像花一样卷起来。就像这样(屏幕显示)。当然,这只是让你看一下它煮出来的样子, 你现在切好后不需要煮它 只是放一边备用。
3、准备配料,这是葱姜、冬菇和西红柿 。另外还有 这些调味料,做这道菜最好要把材料事先准备好。
4、先把锅烧热 放入1汤匙油 把葱姜炒香 然后 把冬菇和西红柿稍微翻炒一下,加入500毫升的水。再放入调味料中的盐和糖,准备好的香醋先放1/2汤匙进去, 留下的最后放。还有就是白胡椒粉 要先用锅里的汤汁把汤搅成糊状后再放到汤里 这样会比较均匀。
5、把锅里的汤烧开后 放入切好的鱿鱼片 之后马上转最小火,紧接着倒入刚才留下1汤匙的香醋。立即倒入湿淀粉勾芡,再把蛋白倒入 轻轻划动 一下 酸辣汤就做好了,要马上装出来,整个过程动作要快,因为鱿鱼煮久了口感会变老 变硬。
We will first be preparing the fresh squid, follow the instructions shown in the video and remove head of the squid and the outer skin of the squid, you can stir fry these parts with some onions. now for this dish we will be using the main body of the squid.
follow the steps shown in the video and slice the body of the squid in a grid pattern, careful not to fully cut through. Pay close attention to angle of the slices. the first time round they are 90 degrees to each other and the second time it's about 30 degrees. separate the squid meat after every 3 slices. This technique will allow the squid to curl into a flower shape when cooked. This is a demonstration of what it would look like later when you cook them. For now just keep them aside.
now we will be preparing the other ingredients. you will need green onions and ginger, tomato and mushrooms. These are the spices you will need. It's important to prepare these ingredients ahead of time for this dish.
now we will make the sweet and sour soup. heat a hot until its hot and add in 1 tablespoon of oil. stir fry the green onion and ginger until fragrant and then add in the mushrooms and tomato. add in 500 ml of water. season with salt and sugar and add 1/2 tablespoon of Chinese balsamic vinegar. keep the remaining for at the very end. now combine a little bit of soup with the white pepper until it's a paste and add it in the soup.
after the soup has come to a boil and add in the sliced squid slices and immediately turn down the heat to low and add in the 1 tablespoon remaining balsamic vinegar. Add in the wet starch mix and gently pour in the egg white, gently stir the soup and the soup sir easy. Immediately set the soup into bowls to prevent the squid from being over cooked.