



大号鸡蛋3个(3 large eggs)

冬菇 2个(2 Shiitake mushrooms)

葱花1汤匙(Chopped green onion 1 tablespoon)

中号虾仁 6只(6 medium shrimp, peeled)

日本鱼籽 1茶匙(1 teaspoon caviar)

 美极酱油或鲜抽1/4茶匙(Maggi soy sauce 1/4 teaspoon)

盐1/3茶匙(Salt 1/3 teaspoon)

鸡汤300毫升(300 ml chicken broth)

白胡椒粉 1/4茶匙(White pepper 1/4 teaspoon)

盐 1/8茶匙(Salt 1/8 teaspoon)

米酒1/4茶匙(Rice wine 1/4 teaspoon)

粟粉 1/4茶匙(Corn starch 1/4 teaspoon)


      1、先把干香菇 泡软 切成很小的颗粒 你可以用新鲜的菇类代替但不要太多 因为水分比较多。

      2、准备一些葱花 用葱叶子就行。

     3、把中号虾仁 6只( medium shrimp, peeled)切碎 放在碗里  往里面加屏幕显示的调味料 拌匀后再加一点点粟粉Corn starch  一边备用。

     4、现在鸡蛋打散,要打到蛋清蛋白完全混合。把之前切好的香菇碎、  葱花 放进去,再放一点点鱼籽caviar 可以增加鲜味,然后是一点点美极酱油Maggi soy sauce  和盐 。搅匀

     5、准备清鸡汤  一个大号的鸡蛋大约搭配100毫升液体 我这里3个鸡蛋需要300毫升鸡汤。用微波炉高火加热45秒 到一分钟,温度达到55摄氏度左右 用手感受就是有些烫手 但感觉可以忍受的热度,然后把鸡汤冲入鸡蛋液碗里 搅匀。这样做不容易蛋水分离(鸡蛋液和鸡汤融合的比较好)

     6、把蒸锅的水烧开 后放入蛋碗去蒸,用中偏高火 先蒸 5-8分钟  看到蛋液表面一层有一点凝固了 再把之前切好腌过的虾仁铺上,继续加盖蒸5-8分钟 根据你用的碗得厚薄度不同,当你看到碗边有很小的气泡出现  而碗的中间的蛋液 还有一点没有凝固时 就可以关火 利用锅的余热 焖透它,这样蒸出来的蛋羹才会嫩,像果冻状。如果你看到蛋羹布满了泡泡那说明蒸过头了。


steamed egg stew is a one of my dad's best dish, it's silky smooth & flavourful & today, he will be sharing his recipe for the dish.


First soak some dried shitake mushroom until they're soft, dice them into little pieces. You can also substitute with fresh mushrooms, but not too much because there's too much moisture in them


Cut up some green onion leaves 


Prepare 6 medium sized shrimps, dice up and place in a bowl, season as shown and coat it in a light layer of corn starch. set aside 

Beat up some eggs until the white & the yolk is fully incorporated. add in the diced shitake mushroom & green onions from earlier. My dad also likes to add a bit of cavier for that extra seafoody taste. finally season with a little bit of Maggi soy sauce and salt. mix well

Prepare the chicken broth. One large egg would need to be diluted with 100ml of liquid, since he's using 3 eggs here, you will use 300 ml of chicken stock. heat on high heat in the microwave for 45 seconds to a minute until the temperature is about 55 degrees celcius, just hot to the touch but still bearable.


 Pour the chicken stock in and stir, this will allow the two to fully combine 


Boil a pot of water until it's hot , and steam the egg stew on medium high heat for 5-8 minutes until the surface is no longer liquid. lay the marinated shrimp bits on top, cover with the lid again and steam for another 5-8 minutes, depending on the thickness of your bowl. Once you notice little bubbles appearing, you can turn off the heat. At this point the middle of the egg stew should still be liquidy and you will use the remaining heat to cook it through. this will ensure it's velvety texture. if it's covered with little bubbles then unfortunately, it has been overcooked. 


