咸面包圈,英文名 Bagel,作为健康的早餐的主食,在西方很受欢迎。说到健康,Bagel,是添加物最少的面包之一,与其他松软的甜面包相比,的确少了很多油和糖。





一、材料:面粉 250克、水 150毫升、干酵母 1汤匙、盐1茶匙、糖 1茶匙、黄油(可略) 15克、糖水(1000毫升水+3大勺白糖+1汤匙糖浆或蜂蜜)




Take 100g of the flour and add it into the mixer, add in yeast, sugar and 150g luke warm water, mix well, wait until the dough's surface starts forming bubbles (takes about 15mins)


Add in the remaining flour and salt, mix well for 5 minutes.


* 面团一定要揉到很上劲,这样就成功一半了。


Add in melted butter for 5mins (optional), take out the dough, roll it into cylindrical shape and cut into small pieces, roll into small balls, let the dough sit for 10mins.

4、然后在醒好的面团的中心,压个洞,做成面包圈的形状,再静置30分钟,到面包略微发起。Make a small indentation in the dough and create a hole in the midle of the dough piece, let it sit for 30mins until it rises a little. 



Boil a pot of water mixture of sugar or honey, cook the dough in it for a total of 1 minute (rotating both sides).


* 其实我觉得涛涛妈咪将芝麻直接放入面团里揉,这办法更好,不掉渣。

* 如果前面没有加黄油揉面,就要在烤盘上刷一点油。

Sprinkle on some sesame seeds or oatmeal on the dough, preheat the oven to 350F, bake until the bagel becomes golden brown, should take about 25mins.

* 切开抹上黄油,放入烤箱或土司机,烤几分钟,非常好吃哦。

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