水油皮材料(Water and oil pastry ingredients)
中筋面粉 130克(All purpose flour 130 g)
糖1汤匙(Sugar 1 tbsp)
猪油35克(Lard 35 g)
水70-80毫升(Water70-80 ml)
油皮材料(Oil pastry ingredients)
中筋面粉 90克(All purpose flour 90 g)
猪油45克(Lard 45 g)
馅料材料 1(Filling ingredients 1)
猪肉糜200克(Minced pork 200 g)
洋葱细碎30克(Finely chopped onion 30 g)
生姜泥 1/2茶匙(Ginger paste 1/2 tsp)
盐1/4茶匙(Salt 1/4 tsp)
黑胡椒粉1/4茶匙(Black pepper 1/4 tsp)
酱油1茶匙(Soy sauce1 tsp)
馅料材料2(Filling ingredients 2)
猪肉糜160克(Minced pork 160 g)
梅干菜35克(Dry marinated mustard 35 g)
糖1/2汤匙 (Sugar 1/2 tbsp)
酱油1汤匙(Soy sauce 1 tbsp)
生姜泥 1/2茶匙(Ginger paste 1/2 tsp)
盐 1/4茶匙(Salt 1/4 tsp)
鲜肉月饼是中国人为庆祝中秋的另一款传统的月饼。它的外皮酥脆入口即化,配上新鲜的肉馅 很受人们的欢迎,今天我详细展示一下它的做法。
2、把馅料分成 8份放在一边备用。
3、现在我们做水油皮:把屏幕显示的材料放在一起,揉成团,这里的水要慢慢加入,要把面团尽量揉的软一些,后面才会好操作 因为里面有油所以不用担心粘手。
5、现在做油皮: 把屏幕显示的面粉和猪油混合均匀,只要能成团就行,然后同样分成8份。之后把他们和之前做好的水油皮放在一起。
6、先把水油皮的小面团揉至光滑 擀成圆片,再把 油皮的小面团作为馅料包入,要包得均匀 不要让馅料漏出来,开口的地方要封紧,之前我们提到水油皮面团要尽量柔软, 这时就会比较容易包。
7、全部包好后静置5-10分钟。就可以开始做月饼皮。把包好面团按照屏幕显示的方法 擀成圆片 。
9、包好以后把封口朝下,用擀面杖在饼子上轻轻压一压 让里面的馅料均匀分布。
10、烤盘刷少量的油,把所有的饼子摆放好。烤箱预热315华氏度,先烤30分钟。注意温度不要高 否则饼子容易变形。
11、30分钟后 把饼子翻一面,正面朝下再烤十分钟,这样会让饼子的表面很平整。
12、烤好的月饼 按照传统 我们会在上面点一些红色,这表示吉祥好运。
把梅干菜Dry marinated mustard泡软, 清洗干净,要多洗几遍 可能又沙子。之后放到锅里蒸15分钟,取出切碎。再用少量的的油翻炒,加入糖和酱油,把它炒到发干 。放凉后再与屏幕显示的猪肉糜等其他材料混合即可。这个配方的馅料口感很丰富。
Savoury moon cake is one of the many types of mooncakes eaten to celebrate the mid-autumn festival. It's known for it's flakey pastry crust that will melt in your mouth and in combination with the flavorful filling, it's truly a delicious treat. Today, I will share with you guys how to make this delicate treat in your own kitchen
First we will make the filling. mix the ingredients together as shown. It's recommended to grate in the ginger as a paste. You can also omit the soy sauce and substitute with a bit of salt
Divide the filling into 8 parts and set aside
Let's make the water oil pastry dough. combine the ingredients shown and knead into a dough. add in the water slowly. we want to keep this dough very soft, so it's easier to work with later on. You won't have to worry about this dough sticking to your hands since there is some oil in the pastry dough
Set it aside and let it sit for 30 minutes. then knead again until it's smooth on the surface and divide into 8 portions
Now we will make the oil pastry. mix the flour and lard together into a rough ball. divide into 8 portions. now we will combine the two different pastries dough together
first take one of the the water oil pastry pieces and knead until it's smooth. roll out into a circle. then wrap around a ball of the oil pastry like a pocket. It's crucial that you wrap it as evenly as possible without letting any of the inside dough seep through. close the top of the pocket tightly. this is why we need the water oil pastry dough to be as soft as possible.
Once all the pastry doughs have been wrapped, let them sit for 5-10 minutes and then w are ready to make the moon cake pastry skin. follow the instructions as shown in the video and form each dough into a round circle
Add in the filling. a trick to wrapping these is to make the circles slightly bigger. when you wrap them make sure you've tugged up every fold and closed the pocket tightly, if not the filling will leak when you bake them
Now place the pocket opening side down and gently press with a rolling pin to allow the filling to distribute evenly.
Brush on a tray some oil and place on the mooncakes. preheat the oven to 315 degree farenheit and bake for 30 minutes. if the oven temperature is too high the mooncake will loose its shape
After 30 minutes, flip the mooncakes over gently and bake for another 10 minutes, this will allow the surface of the moon cake to be smooth and flat
Now that the mooncakes are all nicely baked, I've added on a dot of red food coloring, as it is a Chinese symbol of lucky and prosperity
once the mooncake has cooled, when you slice it open the pastry skin will be flaky and delicate
I have here an alternative filling recipe for another unique taste.
soak some dry marinated mustard leaf and wash clean several times. steam for 15 minutes and chop up into fine pieces. sautee in a pan with a small amount of oil and some sugar and soysauce until it becomes dry. after it's cooled combine with the ingredients shown on the screen and it's ready.