4、现在往鸡肉上擦海盐,稍微给它搓一下 让它入味,里外都要搓。
5、好了之后放一边腌2个小时,注意时间不要过了 会太咸。另外海盐不容易融化,腌的时候可以在鸡肉上面再撒一些 让它够味。同时用一个架子架起来 底下接个盆,因为腌的过程会出水。
6、2个小时之后,把鸡肉上的盐洗掉,最好是把鸡挂在通风的地方把鸡皮晾干。但我今天急着要烤 没时间晾干 就用厨房纸擦干里面和外面的水份。
10、2个小时后,我们打开它 你会看到鸡的外皮会比较湿润,是因为刚才没有晾干的缘故,我们可以把包裹着的纸全部打开,再放入烤箱烤
Today we will be making salt brined chicken, a classic recipe with a modern spin.
First we will select our chicken, I prefer free range chicken for it's meat texture and flavorfulness
We will begin the preparation with wipe dry the chicken with some kitchen towel
Now we will begin our work with the salt. I am using sea salt here but normal table salt is just fine
Rub the salt all over the chicken, both inside and out, give it a good massage to fully season the meat
Now that is donwewe will let it marinate for 2 hours, careful not to go over that or your dish will be very salty. A little tip for those using seasalt like I am, it's best to sprinkle on a bit more on top since sea salt doesn't melt as well as table salt. now lay the chicken on a rack with a container placed beneath it to catch all the liquid that will seep out during the marinating process
Afte 2 hours, wash clean the salt and let the chicken air dry in a well ventilated area until the skin is dry to the touch. but since today I am in a rush, I skipped the step and wiped off as much moisture as possible with some kitchen towel.
Now we will prepare for baking. wrap the entire chicken tightly as shown with some parchment paper
Then add on a layer of aluminum foil, make sure it's tightly wrapped as well
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and bake for 2 hours
This is what it looks like after 2 hours, since I didn't let the chicken air dry, you can see the outer skin is quite moist. so I will open up the Wrapping and let it bake under direct heat for a bit longer. a crucial step to remember is to pour out the juice collected inside the chicken At this stage. as you can see, it doesn't take too long for the chicken skin to crisp up and turn into a beautifully golden color. remember to BVake until both sides look as shown
The finished dish is beautiful and despite the simple seasoning, it is rich in flavor. the salt brings out the delicious flavor in the chicken meat and the slow baking process locks it in.