
新鲜红辣椒 400克(Fresh red pepper 400 g)
蒜头150克(Garlic 150 g)
青柠檬汁2汤匙(2 tbsp lime juice)
盐3茶匙(3 teaspoons salt)

-----新鲜红辣椒 400克--去蒂用厨房纸擦干净,晾干。切成小段
----- 青柠檬取出 汁2汤匙
-----盐3茶匙3 teaspoons salt
4、下面介绍剁椒(chopped pickled hot pepper)的做法。



Today I will be showing you guys how to make homemade hot pepper sauce


First we will prepare all the ingredients ahead of time


400 grams of fresh red pepper, remove the stem and wipe clean with kitchen towel, air dry and dice not small segments

150 grams of garlic, remove the top area

2 tablespoons of lime juice

3 teaspoons of salt


Mix all of these ingredients in a blender until a paste consistency is formed, it is absolutely crucial that the blender is 100% clean, free of any oil, reside or water.


Fill into a clean container, chill and wait for 15 days. then your homemade hot pepper sauce is ready! It can be stored for at least half a year! 


If you'd like to make the pickled version of this sauce you can use the same ingredient but use a food processor instead and blend until little bits are still visible and store in the same manner as before, and you have your very own chopped pickled hot pepper! 


