
去皮花生 1杯约135克(Peeled peanuts 1 cup about 135 g)

水 400毫升(Water 400 ml)


粘米粉 1/2杯约60克(Rice flour 1/2 cup about 60 g)

菱粉或生粉 2汤匙(Tapioca or cornstarch 2tbsp)

水400毫升(Water 400 ml)



酱油2汤匙(Soy sauce 2 tbsp)

白糖1.5茶匙(Sugar 1.5 tsp)

辣椒油 1茶匙(Chili oil 1 tsp)

Hi everyone, welcome to this episode of garden time homemade cuisine. Last week, my mom went to a temple with a friend and came home raving about the vegetarian dishes she tried, so today she will be sharing one of the appetizers she recreated, peanut rice tofu. Even though she loves cooking all sorts of food, she likes to relax her mind with a vegetarian meal once every week, to balance out the grease and oil, especially after a heavy meal. My dad on the other hand likes to practice calligraphy as a way to relax. 




  1. 把大约135克去皮花生  浸泡3-4个小时。然后清洗干净。soak the deshelled peanuts for 3-4 hours. drain

And wash clean 


      2、把花生放到果汁机里 加入400毫升的水 打成浆。place the peanuts in a blender along with 400 ml of water.. pulse until it is smooth 



      3、把花生浆倒入纱布,过滤掉花生渣(可以用来做小饼干) 留下花生奶液 。drain out the peanut milk with a cheese cloth lined colander. squeeze all the liquid out. the leftover drag can be used to make peanut cookies


      4、把花生奶液用中偏高火烧开,然后转小火煮5到10分钟。heat the peanut milk on medium high heat until it comes to a boil. turn the heat down to low and cook for another 5-10 minutes


      5、同时把屏幕显示的 粘米粉 生粉和水混合均匀。慢慢倒入花生奶液的锅里 用中偏高火 边煮边搅动。mix together the rice flour, corn starch and water, stir until it is smooth . slowly pour the mixture into the peanut milk base, cook on medium high heat


      6、一直搅到 变得粘稠 像视频显示的那样,但不要太浓了。stir constantly until it is thick as shown, careful not to over do it


     7、把煮好的花生糊倒入自己喜欢的模子里,放凉。pour the tofu paste into any mould of your liking. let it cool until it solidifies, it should take only 30 minutes 


    8、从模子里取出 花生米豆腐就做好了。when you take it out of the mould, gently make sure the edges can be pulled in before flipping it over onto a plate. personally, I think these tofu taste the best after it’s been in the fridge over night. 


    9、现在我们做酱汁:把屏幕显示酱油和糖放入小汤锅里 中偏高火煮至白糖溶化,加入1茶匙辣椒油即可。吃的时候把酱汁浇在米豆腐上to make the savoury sauce, combine the soy sauce and the sugar and let it come to a light boil then add in the chilli oil . the slight spiciness adds an unbeliveable flavour to the tofu 


    10、或者你可把米豆腐做成甜点,撒上白糖也非常好吃。if you have a sweet tooth like I do, then simply sprinkle on any sugar of your liking, brown sugar, cane sugar, coconut sugar will all taste delicious 


music : http://bensound.com/royalty-free-music


