
牛奶 330-350毫升(Milk 330-350 ml)

炼乳 1.5汤匙(Sweetened condensed milk 1.5 tbsp)


生姜汁 3汤匙(3 tbsp ginger juice)

今天给大家分享一道中国传统的点心 姜撞奶,非常的简单 但它却会给你惊奇的味道。

1、首先要准备大约60-80克的生姜 ,用小刀把外皮挂掉,这样做出来的姜汁就不会有异味。


3、准备2个杯子或者小碗,把3汤匙姜汁分别倒入2个杯子内 (每个杯子1.5汤匙的姜汁)

4、现在把牛奶和炼乳  按照视频显示的比例混合,并搅拌均匀 这里加入炼乳是为了给布丁一点甜度以及增加更多的奶香。

5、把混合好的奶液放入微波炉加热 注意不能加热太久以防牛奶溢出来。 之后取出来 这时奶液的温度要控制在 70-85摄氏度之间。


7、这个布丁非常嫩滑,味道非常美妙,中国人认为姜能够驱除体内的寒气,尤其是在早上来一份姜撞奶 是非常有益健康的。

Today we will be making a traditional Chinese dessert. ginger milk pudding. it's simple to make but will sure to wow anyone to try it. 

First we will prepare 60-80 grams of ginger, remove the outside skin to get rid of the earthy flavour of the ginger

Zest the ginger into a paste and squeeze out the ginger juice from a cheese cloth. we will need about 3 tablespoons of ginger juice

Prepare 2 bowls or cups and divide the juice into two portion

Combine together the milk and sweetened condense milk in the ratio shown and mix well. the sweetened condense milk will give this pudding a richer milk flavour 


Heat the milk mixture in the microwave, but careful of not letting the milk overflow. the milk mixture should be around 70-85 degrees celsius


Pour the milk mixture down into the 2 cups from a height. this will allow the ginger juice to fully mix with the milk. let it sit for 3-5 minutes and wait for the magic to happen. the milk will turn into pudding in front of your eyes 


This pudding is silky and unique. Chinese like to believe ginger can chase away the cold in the body. so this makes a super healthy and delicious breakfast ! 


